Monday, March 4, 2024

The Power Of Psalms!

                                                 The Power Of Psalms!

    Hey guys,

Today we will be going over the power of the book of Psalms. I love the book of Psalms. This book in the Bible never lets me down okay. I swear by the Psalms book. Like if you need that help Psalms is here to help. So today I will review the ones my grandmother and other family showed me. I'm going to walk you through them as best as I can. Let's get into it. 

Some of my all-time favorites are Pslams vs. that I love to this very day. I use them all the time. Let me show you mine!

Here are my all-time favorites!


    *psalms 91 ( Read it before sunrise and add Psalms 40 to before sunrise).

    *Psalms 53 ( Protection from enemies, known or unknown).

    *Psalms 39 (Turn around a court case).

    *Psalms 36 ( Expose a lair).

    *Psalms 25 ( Running from the law, protection from capture).

    *Psalms 18 (Drive away robbers and unwanted guests).

    *Psalms 12 (Stay out of jail or prison).

    *Psalms 11 ( Fight against your enemies).

    *Psalms 4, 5, 20 ( Put 50 cent on your altar and read Psalms 4 and 5 then Psalms 20 verse 5 (5x's) Say Thank You and Walk Away).

These are all my favorites right here. When I tell you all I live by these you better believe it. So which ones do you guys like? Let me know in the comments. I love you guys!

If you have any questions or comments please email me or drop them below. Stay safe guys!


Butterfly Pea, Globe Amaranth, Lotus Flower, Safflower, Hibiscus!

                                                                            Teas!                                                           ...