Monday, February 6, 2023

Line Of Defense!

                              Line Of Defense!

    Hey, today we are going over the line of defense. This is on a spiritual level now. What works for me might not be for you. If not just keep it pushing. lol Anyway I am going to do a short list and tell how i see my line of defense. Let's go!!!!!!!

If you don't know what any of these are let me know and I can help you find out!

Line Of Defense!

1) 1ST My Ori (Me)
2) 2ND My Ancestors(Bloodline)
3) 3RD My Spirit Guides (optional)(Non blood)
4) 4TH Orisha(Natural Forces)
5)5TH Olodumare (God) 

My Ori ( ME )


Spiritual Guides



Disclaimer: I do not own the rights to any photos here. They all came from google.

Please leave a comment or drop an email.

Love yall.


Grabovoi Codes

                                                         Grabovoi Codes!

    Today we are going over grabovoi codes. Some people say use them some say don't. I use them. What I will say what works for me might not work for you. Do your own research on it. I will say I love grabovoi codes and I am going to keep using them. 

    Grabovoi codes are a set of numbers connect to the universe you say them and write them down. I will get into that in one second. Myself on my left wrist, and I say them out loud 3x's. Now let's get into how to do this. Then I will go over my favorite ones.

How To Use Grabovoi Codes!

1) In black or blue ink write your number on your left wrist.

2) Say this set of numbers out loud 3x's.

3) Make sure if it's space in your set of numbers you pause then continue. Just as the numbers are given.

4) Then let it go. Then go on with your day!

My favorite grabovoi codes!


Unexpected money: 520 741 8

Travel: 79459262


Weight Loss: 87316

Text: 99462271

    These are my go to codes when I need them. You can also put them in a daily journal, use them as affirmations, or put them under your pillow.

That's all for today If you need me comment below or send me an email. 

Love you guys.


Spiritual Attack!

                                                         Signs Of Spiritual Attack!

    Today we will be talking about signs of spiritual attack as you can see from the title. Anybody who is new to spirituality or if you just feel off like you are not your self this post might be for you. We don't always understand how we feel but we do know when you feeling off like something is just not right. Well people can send you very bad energy. If you don't know or if you don't keep your self cleansed you will keep feeling like this. So I'm here today to go over some of the signs of a spiritual attack.

    It's not fun and it's not healthy at all. I say that because when we are in negative energy that same energy follows you. No matter what you do if you don't get cleansed from that energy that has been put on you. You might not ever know who put it on you but let's start by knowing when it could be on you. So let's take a step into a spiritual attack!

Just Want To Say Real Fast That This Is A Judge Free Zone! Nobody Is Here To Judge If You Need Help Ask!!

                                                                    Spiritual Attack!

The Signs!

1) Wake up on the wrong side of the bed Daily! 

  • (Example) You wake up and you are already in a really messed up mood for no reason at all. This is every single day now! You have not even brushed your teeth yet. Yet you woke up out the bed in a bad mood.
2) Nightmares! 

  • When you sleep or take a nap you have bad dreams. Ever dream is something that leaves you feeling really down, unsure, unhappy, sad, pissed off for no reason at all.
3) Suicidal Thoughts!

  • When you have a feeling of hurting your self at any given moment! (1ST Go And Let Someone Know) That you trust! Even when you know you have never been a person who even thought about doing something like this. (Seek Help)
4) Develop An Addiction or Can't quit! 

  • Smoking, drinking, Over doing sexual habits. With these things you cant seem to quit.
5) Lack of energy, fatigue! 

  • You don't have the energy to get up and be you. All you want to do is sleep.
6) Accidents or Bad Luck! 

  • If you feel your luck is bad or you have little accidents with anything. You could be under attack.
7) Irritation or Anxiety and Negative Thoughts!  

  • If you have anxiety or you always irritated or you are always thinking negative you are under attack.

    These are just a few of the signs. I feel like these are the more important ones. If you don't feel safe talking to family or friends my door is always open. I am always here. This Is A Safe Space Guys!

Disclaimer: I Don't Own The Rights To Any Of The Photos. They All Came From Google.

Please drop a comment or hit my email.

Love you guys!


Butterfly Pea, Globe Amaranth, Lotus Flower, Safflower, Hibiscus!

                                                                            Teas!                                                           ...