Grabovoi Codes

                                                         Grabovoi Codes!

    Today we are going over grabovoi codes. Some people say use them some say don't. I use them. What I will say what works for me might not work for you. Do your own research on it. I will say I love grabovoi codes and I am going to keep using them. 

    Grabovoi codes are a set of numbers connect to the universe you say them and write them down. I will get into that in one second. Myself on my left wrist, and I say them out loud 3x's. Now let's get into how to do this. Then I will go over my favorite ones.

How To Use Grabovoi Codes!

1) In black or blue ink write your number on your left wrist.

2) Say this set of numbers out loud 3x's.

3) Make sure if it's space in your set of numbers you pause then continue. Just as the numbers are given.

4) Then let it go. Then go on with your day!

My favorite grabovoi codes!


Unexpected money: 520 741 8

Travel: 79459262


Weight Loss: 87316

Text: 99462271

    These are my go to codes when I need them. You can also put them in a daily journal, use them as affirmations, or put them under your pillow.

That's all for today If you need me comment below or send me an email. 

Love you guys.



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