Saturday, January 20, 2024

Black Seeds!

                            Black Seeds/ Black Seed Oil!


                    Hey guys,
                            Today we will be talking about black seeds and black seed oil. I am so in love with black seeds. They are so good for the body. After we get to it, I will review what they do and tell you how they work for me and how I take mine. Like I said I have been on a journey to change how I live my life in a healthy way. Black seeds have been a good way to start with that. It's known as the herb that cures everything but death. Now that's something to know about! Now let's see what black seeds have to offer us as humans.

Black seeds:
Other names: Black Cumin, Nigella Sativa, Love In A Mist, Nutmeg Flower.

Notes: It is a plant. It's been used in medicine for over 2k years now. Even found in King Tut tomb. (Nice)

Used for:
    * Headaches, toothache, intestinal worms, pink eye, abscesses, parasites, allergies, flu, digestive tract issues, hemorrhoids, lowers blood sugar, lowers blood pressure, treats cancer, boosts immune system, women birth control, helps with milk flow for moms. So much more.

The seeds: 
    The seeds are the best way to take this herb. 7 seeds a day on an empty stomach, wash it down with water. ( I recommend taking the seeds for long-term healing) 

The black seed oil:
        The black seed oil is really good as well. It has a very bad taste. It's good for the short term us one bottle is good to start with. Long term it can hurt your kidneys. So start with the oil then switch to the seeds itself.  The same way you the seeds is the same way you take the oil. Put a few drops under your tongue and wash it down with water on an empty stomach.

Some ways to take it for certain things:
            High Blood Pressure- Take it 2x's daily for 8 weeks.
            Opiate Withdrawal- Take it 3x daily for 12 days.
            Epilepsy- Take every 8 hrs for 4 weeks.

Side effects: Taking the oil long-term could possibly cause liver and kidney failure. So short-term use is the best way for the oil. So just take 7 seeds a day as I said before.

Warnings: If you are pregnant, or breastfeeding do not take black seeds or the oil.

Factz: It's known to heal all diseases in the body but death.

Active ingredients: Thymaquinane, alkaloids, amino acids, phytosterols.

( Book: Alkaline Herbal Medicine By: Aqiyl Aniys)

Now as for myself, I take the oils right now but I also have the seeds. I am taking the oil right now and the energy levels are crazy right now. I feel so good and my body feels even better. Clearer thinking. I love these black seeds. You guys should try it. 

If you guys have any questions please comment or drop an email and I will get to you as soon as I can.
I love you guys! Stay safe out here! 


Thursday, January 18, 2024

Soul Contracts And Your Parents!

         Hey loves, 

    So today we will get into the big you choose your parents they don't choose you. As well as Soul Contracts that we make before we even come to this planet. It's a big deal because most people fear what they don't understand. So things like this come as something most don't want to talk about. So today we will be doing just that! So let's go!

    Now one thing I can say is that most cultures say that we choose our family way before we are conceived. So that would get into things like pre-birth agreements that have details between you and your parents, birth location, time, and siblings.  It's said that even before you are born you view your life and life evens and this earth before you are even born. So let's talk about the different contracts you make before you are even born. Let's get into it. 

1) Soul Contracts:

    * Souls will take many different human bodies for every incarnation.

    * We even choose our next life lessons, and the people we will share them with, and soul contracts are made.

    * We even go over the karmic debts from our past lives that require us to settle the karmic balance in our next lifetime. That's if you have any karmic debts to fix.

2) Life Lessons:

    * Your soul comes back to earth because you have to learn the lesson and evolve.

    * Souls choose parents because it's a part of our mission on this earth.

3) Parent and Siblings:

    * Your parents and siblings are chosen with those who are aligned with your soul's purpose on earth.

    * They will all help the soul in one way or another on earth.

    * Once you pick who your parents will be you will stay with your mom's energy until you conceived. 

    * Souls also have contracts with their siblings on who will be with them and who will be born 1st.

4) Time and Location:

    * Souls choose the time and location of birth for the life lessons the souls will have to deal with in that lifetime.

5) Soul Family:

    * We all have a soul family.

    * Soul families and soulmates have been very close to us in each lifetime. (Human life)

    * We have soul contracts with them so that they can be a part of our human journey.

    *Souls can choose different people to be in each lifetime. Mother, sister.....Just so we learn the human relationship lessons. Heal from traumas in some of these relationships.

6) Free Will:

    * Shows you how to distance yourself from toxic relationships no matter the family you choose.

    *Everything you deal with here on earth is to better your life no matter how you see it. ( All aprt of the plan)

    *Keep looking for you soul family. Keep getting into your higher self.

    *Never hold on to negative things from people in your family. You will come back here to heal all drama btweeen you and your family. (Bloodline) Stay with love, for give when you can, and move froward.

        With all that being said. If you have any questions or anything you want to speak about this please drop a comment or an email and I will get back to you soon as I can. I love you guys. Stay Safe Out Here!

Peace and Love


Herbs For High Blood pressure!

                                                     H igh Blood Pressure! Today we will be talking about High Blood Pressure. Like I say w...