The 13Th MONTH OF THE ZODIAC! Ophiuchus

Hey love today we will be going over the 13Th zodiac which is Ophiuchus. ⛎ That is the one that was left out of the zodiac because it didn’t fit into the calendar that they made. Now we will be going deeper into it today and I will give you all the information I found about it. The funny thing is I’m a Ophiuchus. Looking at my birthday I would no longer be a Sagittarius. So let’s jump right into this and see where you guys stand. If you are holding the right zodiac sign. It was left out by the Babylonians 3,000 years ago, because they wanted to match the zodiac to their 12- month calendar. So let’s take a deeper look. The zodiac signs with all 13 months and the dates: Capricorn ♑️ Jan 20th- Feb 16th. Aquarius ♒️ Feb 16th- Mar 11th. Pisces ♓️ Mar 11th- Apr 18th. Aries ♈️ Apr 18th- May 13th. Taurus ♉️ May 13th- Jun 21st. Gemini ♊️ Jun 21st- July 20th. Cancer ♋️ July 20th- Aug 10th. Leo ♌️ Aug 10th- Sept 16th. Virgo ♍...