The 13Th MONTH OF THE ZODIAC! Ophiuchus

             Hey love today we will be going over the 13Th zodiac which is Ophiuchus. ⛎ That is the one that was left out of the zodiac because it didn’t fit into the calendar that they made. Now we will be going deeper into it today and I will give you all the information I found about it. The funny thing is I’m a Ophiuchus. Looking at my birthday I would no longer be a Sagittarius. So let’s jump right into this and see where you guys stand. If you are holding the right zodiac sign. It was left out by the Babylonians 3,000 years ago, because they wanted to match the zodiac to their 12- month calendar. So let’s take a deeper look.

The zodiac signs with all 13 months and the dates: 

Capricorn ♑️ Jan 20th- Feb 16th.

Aquarius ♒️ Feb 16th- Mar 11th.

Pisces  ♓️ Mar 11th- Apr 18th.

Aries ♈️ Apr 18th- May 13th.

Taurus ♉️ May 13th- Jun 21st.

Gemini ♊️ Jun 21st- July 20th.

Cancer ♋️ July 20th- Aug 10th.

Leo ♌️ Aug 10th- Sept 16th.

Virgo ♍️ Sept 16th- Oct 30th.

Libra ♎️ Oct 30th- Nov 23rd.

Scorpio ♏️ Nov 23rd- Nov 29th.

Ophiuchus ⛎ Nov 29th- Dec 17th.

Sagittarius Dec17th- Jan 29th.

What’s your now zodiac sign?

Now let’s get into some facts on the Ophiuchus ⛎!

* It’s the 13th zodiac.

* Dates Nov29th- Dec 17th.

* Sits between Scorpio and Sagittarius in the sky.

* It’s known as the Serpent Bearer.

* Root energy/ kundalini energy.

* Divine life force.

* Serpent energy, the balance between healing and struggling.

* They are healers, achiever, temperamentally , seeks wisdom, and enlightenment.

* They are the key to balance and conflict and wisdom.

* Serpent and Ophiuchus ⛎ is also linked to ancient wisdom, healing, and transformation.

* Contains Barnard’s star which is the second closest star to Earth.

* Associated with Asclepius, the Greek God of medicine and son of Apollo, and Coronis. Asclepius was so good at healing that he could raise the dead. 

* The constellation brightest star is Rasalhague, Arabic and means: “The head of the serpent collector.”

* A man holding a snake in his hands Greek word Ophioukhos which means “serpent-bearer.”

* very spirited, honest, and charismatic.

* Passionate and, attracts good luck full of imagination.

* It’s a large constellation in the equator region that’s visible in both hemispheres.

* Ophiuchus ⛎ number is 13.

* It’s very rare zodiac sign.

* It’s 6 light years away.

The food for Ophiuchus:

                Adagio Teas: Has a tea blend called Ophiuchus zodiac blend that contains Ginseng green, chamomile, and pomegranate green tea. The tea is said to represent the powers of Imhotep, an ancient Egyptian healer, and Joseph, the biblical interpreter of dreams.

Symbolism: Healing, rebirth, immortality, snake-charmer, wrestling, trampling.

* very much so masculine energy.

    Prone to Jealousy: Most jealous sign of the zodiac. Struggle to celebrate other people’s success without comparing them to their own. They tend to be introverted.

* Constellation: 22 Globular clusters in the constellation. Located in the Southeastern corner of the constellation.

NASA: Has counted Ophiuchus ⛎ as a zodiac constellation.

Crystals: Crystals for Ophiuchus ⛎ would be Rose quartz (self love), (self reflection), (self acceptance).

Bad traits: Jealousy and short tempered,

* power: Power Negation: The ability to negotiate the power of others. Fame empowerment Ophiuchus ⛎ becomes stronger the more famous he is or becomes.

* Natural adaptability: Shape shifts and transmute energy that flows in their direction.

* Weakness: Fame Empowerment the less known he becomes the weaker he becomes. 

* Why was Ophiuchus killed? He was rasing dead men for money. Zeus killed him with a thunderbolt from the sky. Ophiuchus was disrupting the natural order of things all for money.

*Pronounce: O-Phi-U-Chus

* It’s in the largest constellation 950 square degrees.

* They are intuitive thinkers, rather than an emotional one.

*Colors: Teal, purple, burgundy.

* Animal: Snake.

* Element: Ether. The fifth Element which is said to bind the universe together. Also known as a rarefied element that was once thought to fill the upper regions of space.

* Mutable sign: Constantly changing.

* Compatible signs: Aries, Pisces, Capricorn, Cancer, Ophiuchus. 

* Personality: Curious, passionate, hungry for knowledge.

* Visibility: Visible in the Northern Hemisphere during July, August, and September. It’s located near the southern horizon and appears to be standing on the scorpion constellation.

* Strengths: Healing, Transformation, Intuitive, Strong, Seeker of knowledge, sense of humor, flamboyance as in style.

* The Son passes through Ophiuchus ⛎ from around Nov 30th to Dec 18th.

* Body: Ophiuchus ⛎ would deal with the hips or space between the thighs. Connects both the lower back and the thighs.

So this Is our Ophiuchus ⛎ zodiac and I feel like I connect more with Ophiuchus ⛎ then I do with Sagittarius ♐️. Now that’s just me my birthday is Dec3rd. So a lot of things I feel on a daily makes a lot of sense now that I know we have a 13th zodiac. 

Disclaimer: I do not own the right to any photos in the blog post today. All photos are from google.

If you have any questions please feel free to drop a comment or an email and I will definitely get back to you guys. 

I love you all. How do you guys feel about Ophiuchus? 


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