Wednesday, September 18, 2024

Butterfly Pea, Globe Amaranth, Lotus Flower, Safflower, Hibiscus!



Butterfly Pea Tea.

        Today I will talk to you guys on some more of my new found favorites. The healing benefits along with the big reason why I take these specific herbs. Now I encourage you guys to do your own research on each herb or contact me for more information. Or if you have any questions on these herbs. The main reason I tell you guys to do your own research on these herbs because I know it’s a lot of you that take medications and some are not good to mix with herbs. So like I said before you drink these please consult your doctor or do your own research on these. These is 5 main herbs I will be going over with you guys. So let’s get into it. 


            Butterfly Pea Flower Tea:

* Boosts hair growth and strength.

* Improve digestion health.

* Stress relief.

* Anti- inflammatory properties.

        Globe Amaranth Tea:

* Improves gut health.

* Mental focus.

* Purifies gently.

        Lotus Flower Tea:

* Antioxidant properties.

* Fights inflammation.

* Antibacterial agent.

        Safflower herbal tea:

* Lower cholesterol.

* Improves heart health.

* Improves your blood sugar.

        Hibiscus Flower Tea:

* Supports your liver health.

* Fights bacteria.

* Helps aid in weight loss.

* Fights inflammation.

        Now I will tell you guys why I use each of these for myself. How I take them. How they work for me. So let’s get into it. 

Hibiscus: FOR my liver health and weight loss.

Safflower: FOR  my heart health.

Lotus: FOR antioxidant properties.

Globe Amaranth: FOR mental focus.

Butterfly: FOR stress relief.



If you have any questions please feel free to leave a comment or email me. You guys can also hit me on instagram. 

I love you guys. Ase!


Tuesday, June 11, 2024

Herbs For High Blood pressure!

                                                     High Blood Pressure!

Today we will be talking about High Blood Pressure. Like I say with any herb please speak with your DR about any herb that you might want to take. Make sure you fast for at least 2 to 3 days before taking any herbs. For the best results. High blood pressure is known in the black community. We need to start taking better care of our health. The way I do it is fasting and taking in herbs that heal and maintain the body. Drink a lot of 100% spring water. Now let's get into the herbs that helps with High Blood Pressure. 


    Cinnamon- Treats heart conditions. It helps dilate and relax the blood vessels. 

    Garlic- Treats the heart. It has allicin that helps relax blood vessels and aids in blood flow. 

    Basil- Helps reduce blood pressure. 

    Parsley- It has vitamin C and dietary Carotenoids that reduce blood pressure. 

    Celery Seeds- Has iron, magnesium, manganese,calcium,fiber. Many of these herb's release and relax blood vessels. 

    Thyme- Has rosemary acid helps relax the blood vessels. 

    Hibiscus Sabdariffa (Roselle)- Helps relax your blood vessels. 

    L- Arginnie- Is amino acid helps release nitric into the blood. Helps open up blood vessels. 

    Beetroot Juice- Dilate blood vessels and improve blood flow. Regulates blood pressure. 

    Tulis Leaves- Helps lower blood pressure has minerals, such as potassium, and magnesium. 

    These are the herbs that my family and I use for high blood pressure. You guys should give them a try. See if they help. Like I said before please talk with your DR before starting any of these herbs.




Monday, June 10, 2024

Herbs For Diabetes!


        Today we will talk about herbs that will help with diabetes. Here are a few of my favorite herbs that. Let's get right into it. It's a lot of people who are suffering from this and don't have to. My main thing would be to fast 2 to 3 days a week at most. Then go into taking herbs and eating only fruits and veggies. Now let's take a look at the herbs. Now what I will say is this please do your own research on these herbs. Please talk to your Dr. about any meds you might be taking asa well.

Herbs for Diabetes.


Rosemary- Helps with weight loss, balances blood sugar levels.


  Oregano- Increase the activity in the pancreas that will make more insulin. 


Fenugreek- Good for digestive issues. Lowers blood glucose levels and combats diabetes.


Mill Thistle- Lowers Blood Suga Levels.


  Flaxseed- Lowers Blood Suga Levels.


Bay Leaf- Lowers Blood Suga Levels.


  Turmeric- Lowers Blood Suga Levels.


Camellia- Lowers Blood Suga Levels.


Gurmar- Lowers Blood Suga Levels.

Note: some herbs can be used for more than one thing!

Now like I said before please do your own research. Also, if you are on any meds please talk to your Dr. before you take any kind of herbs. I love you guys and we have to do is heal the body. Health is wealth and that's a known fact!

Please send me an email or send me a comment if you have any questions. I love you guys!



Monday, March 4, 2024

The Power Of Psalms!

                                                 The Power Of Psalms!

    Hey guys,

Today we will be going over the power of the book of Psalms. I love the book of Psalms. This book in the Bible never lets me down okay. I swear by the Psalms book. Like if you need that help Psalms is here to help. So today I will review the ones my grandmother and other family showed me. I'm going to walk you through them as best as I can. Let's get into it. 

Some of my all-time favorites are Pslams vs. that I love to this very day. I use them all the time. Let me show you mine!

Here are my all-time favorites!


    *psalms 91 ( Read it before sunrise and add Psalms 40 to before sunrise).

    *Psalms 53 ( Protection from enemies, known or unknown).

    *Psalms 39 (Turn around a court case).

    *Psalms 36 ( Expose a lair).

    *Psalms 25 ( Running from the law, protection from capture).

    *Psalms 18 (Drive away robbers and unwanted guests).

    *Psalms 12 (Stay out of jail or prison).

    *Psalms 11 ( Fight against your enemies).

    *Psalms 4, 5, 20 ( Put 50 cent on your altar and read Psalms 4 and 5 then Psalms 20 verse 5 (5x's) Say Thank You and Walk Away).

These are all my favorites right here. When I tell you all I live by these you better believe it. So which ones do you guys like? Let me know in the comments. I love you guys!

If you have any questions or comments please email me or drop them below. Stay safe guys!


Saturday, January 20, 2024

Black Seeds!

                            Black Seeds/ Black Seed Oil!


                    Hey guys,
                            Today we will be talking about black seeds and black seed oil. I am so in love with black seeds. They are so good for the body. After we get to it, I will review what they do and tell you how they work for me and how I take mine. Like I said I have been on a journey to change how I live my life in a healthy way. Black seeds have been a good way to start with that. It's known as the herb that cures everything but death. Now that's something to know about! Now let's see what black seeds have to offer us as humans.

Black seeds:
Other names: Black Cumin, Nigella Sativa, Love In A Mist, Nutmeg Flower.

Notes: It is a plant. It's been used in medicine for over 2k years now. Even found in King Tut tomb. (Nice)

Used for:
    * Headaches, toothache, intestinal worms, pink eye, abscesses, parasites, allergies, flu, digestive tract issues, hemorrhoids, lowers blood sugar, lowers blood pressure, treats cancer, boosts immune system, women birth control, helps with milk flow for moms. So much more.

The seeds: 
    The seeds are the best way to take this herb. 7 seeds a day on an empty stomach, wash it down with water. ( I recommend taking the seeds for long-term healing) 

The black seed oil:
        The black seed oil is really good as well. It has a very bad taste. It's good for the short term us one bottle is good to start with. Long term it can hurt your kidneys. So start with the oil then switch to the seeds itself.  The same way you the seeds is the same way you take the oil. Put a few drops under your tongue and wash it down with water on an empty stomach.

Some ways to take it for certain things:
            High Blood Pressure- Take it 2x's daily for 8 weeks.
            Opiate Withdrawal- Take it 3x daily for 12 days.
            Epilepsy- Take every 8 hrs for 4 weeks.

Side effects: Taking the oil long-term could possibly cause liver and kidney failure. So short-term use is the best way for the oil. So just take 7 seeds a day as I said before.

Warnings: If you are pregnant, or breastfeeding do not take black seeds or the oil.

Factz: It's known to heal all diseases in the body but death.

Active ingredients: Thymaquinane, alkaloids, amino acids, phytosterols.

( Book: Alkaline Herbal Medicine By: Aqiyl Aniys)

Now as for myself, I take the oils right now but I also have the seeds. I am taking the oil right now and the energy levels are crazy right now. I feel so good and my body feels even better. Clearer thinking. I love these black seeds. You guys should try it. 

If you guys have any questions please comment or drop an email and I will get to you as soon as I can.
I love you guys! Stay safe out here! 


Thursday, January 18, 2024

Soul Contracts And Your Parents!

         Hey loves, 

    So today we will get into the big you choose your parents they don't choose you. As well as Soul Contracts that we make before we even come to this planet. It's a big deal because most people fear what they don't understand. So things like this come as something most don't want to talk about. So today we will be doing just that! So let's go!

    Now one thing I can say is that most cultures say that we choose our family way before we are conceived. So that would get into things like pre-birth agreements that have details between you and your parents, birth location, time, and siblings.  It's said that even before you are born you view your life and life evens and this earth before you are even born. So let's talk about the different contracts you make before you are even born. Let's get into it. 

1) Soul Contracts:

    * Souls will take many different human bodies for every incarnation.

    * We even choose our next life lessons, and the people we will share them with, and soul contracts are made.

    * We even go over the karmic debts from our past lives that require us to settle the karmic balance in our next lifetime. That's if you have any karmic debts to fix.

2) Life Lessons:

    * Your soul comes back to earth because you have to learn the lesson and evolve.

    * Souls choose parents because it's a part of our mission on this earth.

3) Parent and Siblings:

    * Your parents and siblings are chosen with those who are aligned with your soul's purpose on earth.

    * They will all help the soul in one way or another on earth.

    * Once you pick who your parents will be you will stay with your mom's energy until you conceived. 

    * Souls also have contracts with their siblings on who will be with them and who will be born 1st.

4) Time and Location:

    * Souls choose the time and location of birth for the life lessons the souls will have to deal with in that lifetime.

5) Soul Family:

    * We all have a soul family.

    * Soul families and soulmates have been very close to us in each lifetime. (Human life)

    * We have soul contracts with them so that they can be a part of our human journey.

    *Souls can choose different people to be in each lifetime. Mother, sister.....Just so we learn the human relationship lessons. Heal from traumas in some of these relationships.

6) Free Will:

    * Shows you how to distance yourself from toxic relationships no matter the family you choose.

    *Everything you deal with here on earth is to better your life no matter how you see it. ( All aprt of the plan)

    *Keep looking for you soul family. Keep getting into your higher self.

    *Never hold on to negative things from people in your family. You will come back here to heal all drama btweeen you and your family. (Bloodline) Stay with love, for give when you can, and move froward.

        With all that being said. If you have any questions or anything you want to speak about this please drop a comment or an email and I will get back to you soon as I can. I love you guys. Stay Safe Out Here!

Peace and Love


Thursday, November 16, 2023

3,6,9 Method!

                                                           3, 6, 9 Method!

        Today we will be talking about the 3,6,9 manifesting techniques. I have seen them used in a few different ways. I will be breaking down some of the best ways that I break down and do my 3,6,9 method. I would have to say they are very simple to do, you just have to have that strong faith, and intention when you do them. If you don't believe in yourself then who will? Simple as that. So let's take a look a little deeper into this guys. 
    3,6,9, the method has been around for years now. It is not nothing new! Numbers are the language of the universe simple as that. So the best way to speak to the universe is with numbers. 3,6,9 are three of the strongest numbers that connect to the universe. It's so simple that anybody can do it. I will say to have a clear mind and an open heart when you do it. So let me show you how to do it the way that I like to do the 3,6,9 manifestations. 


1st) You should figure out what you want to manifest. (Affirmation) 

2nd) You should have a manifestation journal to keep your work in. ( A composition notebook will work)

3rd) Set yourself up to stay consistent with this okay.

Now let me show you!

Sep 1) Write your affirmation 3x in the morning.

Sep 2) Write your affirmations 6x in the evening.

Sep 3) Wrote your affirmation 9x before you go to bed.

Then at the end of it give thanks for what you are asking for. Make sure you show as much gratitude as you can. Being thankful for it before you even get it. In other words, you have to feel that emotion in it. Then sign your name and birthday at the bottom and let the universe do its thing.

Here is my example of this:


1) I'm grateful for my 30-pound weight loss.

2) I'm grateful for my 30-pound weight loss.

3) I'm grateful for my 30-pound weight loss.


1) I'm grateful for my 30-pound weight loss.

2) I'm grateful for my 30-pound weight loss.

3) I'm grateful for my 30-pound weight loss.

4) I'm grateful for my 30-pound weight loss.

5) I'm grateful for my 30-pound weight loss.

6) I'm grateful for my 30-pound weight loss.

Night! (Before bed)

1) I'm grateful for my 30-pound weight loss.

2) I'm grateful for my 30-pound weight loss.

3) I'm grateful for my 30-pound weight loss.

4) I'm grateful for my 30-pound weight loss.

5) I'm grateful for my 30-pound weight loss.

6) I'm grateful for my 30-pound weight loss.

7) I'm grateful for my 30-pound weight loss.

8) I'm grateful for my 30-pound weight loss.

9) I'm grateful for my 30-pound weight loss.

    Thank you universe for always loving, guiding, and protecting me. Thank you universe for my beautiful 30-pound weight loss.

Jacobi 12/03/88 

See simple as that! Now I will show you one more you can do this. Let's go!


1) 30-pound weight loss.

2) 30-pound weight loss.

3) 30-pound weight loss.


1) I am so happy and thankful for my 30-pound weight loss.

2) I am so happy and thankful for my 30-pound weight loss.

3) I am so happy and thankful for my 30-pound weight loss.

4) I am so happy and thankful for my 30-pound weight loss.

5) I am so happy and thankful for my 30-pound weight loss.

6) I am so happy and thankful for my 30-pound weight loss.

Evening! (Before bed)

1) Universe thank you for this amazing 30-pound weight loss.

2) Universe thank you for this amazing 30-pound weight loss.

3) Universe thank you for this amazing 30-pound weight loss.

4) Universe thank you for this amazing 30-pound weight loss.

5) Universe thank you for this amazing 30-pound weight loss.

6) Universe thank you for this amazing 30-pound weight loss.

7) Universe thank you for this amazing 30-pound weight loss.

8) Universe thank you for this amazing 30-pound weight loss.

9) Universe thank you for this amazing 30-pound weight loss.

        Thank you universe for always loving, guiding, and protecting me. Thank you universe for my beautiful 30-pound weight loss.

12-03-88 Jacobi

That is just as simple as it gets guys! If you have any questions please feel free to leave a comment or drop an email. Love you guys!

Disclaimer: All the photos came from Google I do not own the rights to these photos.

Love and Light!



 Money & Magic!

        Today we will be talking about money and magic. Money is something we all need nowadays. Magic is something we all have no matter if you believe it or not. It's their love bug. So today we will be showing you a money oil you can use to attract money. We will also be showing you what's best for money manifesting. It's the simple stuff that I love. I use all of these every day or when needed. You can do the same. Let's get into it.

Money Work:

  • Days: Wed, Sat
  • Numbers: 3,4,8
  • Color: Green, Gold, Pink
  • Herbs: Basil, Cinnamon, Bayleaf
  • Oils: Peppermint, Fast Cash Oil
  • Prayers: Psalms 23,41,144
  • Other: Gold glitter, copper pennies
Now let me show you what you can use to make a simple money oil.

  • Basil
  • Ground sage
  • Mint leaves
  • Bayleaf
  • Cloves
  • Chamomile
  • Base oil (Olvia oil)
Steep for 2 to 3 min and put in a jar with lip. Keep it in a dark safe place for 3 days after that pray over it and so it is.

There you have it. If you need that extra money boost try this out and let me know how it works for you. I love you guys please leave a comment or an email if you have any questions for me.

Peace  and Love 

Saturday, November 4, 2023


                                                         Herbs For your Chakras!

            Today we will be going over some herbs that are good for each chakra. 

if you need info on the chakras please go back to the link I have dropped below. Today we will focus on the herbs that help unblock each chakra in the body. So let's not waste any more time let's get into it!

1) Root- Ginger, elderflower

2) Sacral- Dandelion, calendula

3) Solar Plexus- Rosemary, cinnamon

4) Heart- Rose petals, Jasmine

5) Throat- mLemon, peppermint

6) 3rd Eye- Lavender, peppermint

7) Crown- Lotus root, eucaluptus

These are the herbs for the 7 main chakras in the body. These herbs will help open up blocked chakras. I hope this helps. 

Here is the link for the 7 main chakras:

If you have any questions please drop a comment or an email!

I love you guys!


Recipes That Work!


        Today we will be going over some recipes that will help you and your family. Now these are some that I use at home myself. I love them and they work. So I felt like it would be good to share it with you guys. So let's get into it.

1) Acid Reflux!

  • 1 Pear
  • 1 Apple
  • 1 Cup Grapes
  • 2 Cup Papaya
  • 1 Cup Honeydew melon
Make a juice or smoothie

2) Sinus!
  • 1 Kiwi 
  • 1Guava
  • 1 Pinch turmeric
  • 1 Lemon
  • 2 Oranges
  • 1 Apple
  • 1 Pinch ginger
  • 2 Carrot
  • 1/2 Cup of pineapple
  • 1 cup water
  • Make a juice or smoothie
3)Blood Clot!
  • 2 Kiwi
  • 1 Orange
  • 1 Lemon
  • 1 Grapefruit
  • 1/2 Cup of grapes
  • 2 Cups pineapple
  • 1 Pinch ginger
  • 1 Beetroot
  • 1 Apple
  • 1 Pinch turmeric
Make a juice or smoothie

4) Anti-Inflammatory!
  • 1 Pinch ginger
  • 1 Orange
  • 1 Cup purple grapes
  • 1 Lemon
  • 1 cup green grapes
  • 1/2 Cup pineapple
  • 1 Pinch turmeric
Make a juice or smoothie

5) Thyroid!
  • 1/2 Pineapple
  • 2 Green apples
  • 2 Oranges
  • 2 Kiwi
  • 2 Handful of kale
Make a juice or smoothie

  • 2 Cups honeydew melon
  • 1 Bell pepper
  • 1 Orange
  • 1 Apple
  • 2 Pears
  • 2 Kiwi
  • 1 Apple
  • 1 cup green grapes
  • 1 cup blueberries
Make a juice or smoothie

7) Gout Pain!
  • 2 Cups honeydew melon
  • 1 Bell pepper
  • 1 Orange
  • 1 Apple
  • 2 Pears
  • 2 Kiwi
  • 1 Green apple
  • 1 cup green grapes
  • 1 cup blueberries
Make a smoothie or juice

8) Detox Cleanser!
  • 1 Coconut water
  • 1 Lime
  • 1 Mint
  • 1 Celery
  • 1 Cucumber
Make juice or a smoothie

These are some good recipes for these issues. If you have any questions please drop a comment or an email and 
I will respond as soon as I can!

I hope that helps!

Love you guys!

The 12 Laws Of Karma!


The 12 laws of karma!

        Today we will be going over the 12 laws of karma. What goes along with them. These are things we need to know so that we know how to deal with others, as well as to know what is coming back. We all love to say karma going to deal with it. We never really know what karma will do because we don't know the laws of karma. So let's just find out. Let's get into it.

12 Laws Of Karma!

1) The Great Law: Whatever you put out you will get back.

2) The Law of Creation: We are one with the universe inside and out.

3) The Law of Humility: Accept all things in order to change them.

4) The Law of Growth: The only thing we can control is ourselves.

5) The Law of Responsibility: Take responsibility for your own life.

6) The Law of Connection: Past, present, and future are all connected.

7) The Law of Focus: Can not think of 2 things at once.

8) The Law of Giving and Hospitality: What you learn into practice.

9) The Law of Here and Now: You can't be here thinking of the past and future.

10) The Law of Change: History repeats itself.

11) The Law of Patience and Reward: Rewards require initial toil.

12) The Law of Significance and Inspiration: One gets back from something whatever they put into it.

My Notes:

1) Whatever you put out in this world you better know you are going to get it back. So be mindful of how you treat people.

2) We are all one with the universe so act like it. We all are brothers and sisters.

3) You have to accept the thing we can't change because it is what it is. In order for us to heal.

4) You can't control a damn thing but your self so do that!

5) You need to take charge of your life because nobody else is going to.

6) Everything is connected to your past, future, and present moments.

7) You can't focus on 2 things at one time nothing ever gets done!

8) Whatever you learn you should put it into practice ASAP.

9) You can't be in the now if you are in the past or worried about the future.

10) History always repeats itself. If you don't learn from your mess you will do it again.

11) In order to get a reward you have to put in that initial toil. 

12) What you put into something is what you get out of something. Simple as that.

    There you have it. Please don't let this go over your head. These laws are real and if you innerstand them everything else will make a lot of sense to you. I promise!


Love you guys!


Butterfly Pea, Globe Amaranth, Lotus Flower, Safflower, Hibiscus!

                                                                            Teas!                                                           ...