How To Clean Your Energy!

 Hey guys,

         Today we are going to talk about clearing your energy, why it's important to always cleanse your energy. Also how to do these things as well. If you seen one of my older post then you know why you should always cleanse your energy. If you have not seen that post I will link it below. So let's get into this.

Cleanse you energy! 

     We all come from energy right. So with that being said everybody and everything around you holds energy. You can easily get somebody else energy on you. You can wake up feeling great, then go out around people and go home and start feeling completely different from how you left home. Just because you was around people who has negative energy that transferred from them to you. Now you know that you have to always cleanse and protect your energy along with your family, and home.

Lets talk about hot to cleanse your energy in your home, car, kids, and your self. ( We will go over each thing I list at the bottom )

Your self: Florida Water, Smug Sicks, Crystals!

Your kids: Florida Water, Lemon and Salt, Smug Sticks!

Your Car: Florida Water, Crystals, Smug Sticks!

Your home: Florida Water, Crystals, Smug Sticks!

Yes you should always keep the energy cleanse in your home, and car. Why? You always have many people in your home and cars. Their energy is in your home, and car now. So you have to know how to cleanse and protect your home, family, and cars!

Now lets go over the things I told you to use. I use these things every single day to cleanse the energy all around me. Just so you guys know I use these thing all the time. I'm telling you so you know okay she using it her self. Let's go!

Florida Water:  Has many uses. It can cleanse your home, yourself, your tools, and crystals. How to use Florida water. Put it in a pray bottle and spray your home car and your self. Give thanks to your creator and just spray. 

Smug sticks: They also help cleanse your energy, home, and many other things. How to use it. I like Dragons Blood smug stick, take it light it. Give thanks talk to your guides. Go from the top of your head to the bottom of your feet with it.  In your home go in each room after its lit and cleanse make sure you leave the doors and windows open while you cleanse to send out that negative energy.  

Crystals: They cleanse, protect, guide as well. How to use them. Get crystals that are for cleansing, and protecting. Obsidian crystal is good for cleansing, Amethyst is good for protection, and cleansing. 

Lemons and Salt: They both cleanse negative energy, and they both help in protection. How to use them. Get 4 lemons cut the top in 4 sections pull apart but keep whole at the bottom. Take the salt and put in inside the lemon. Take the lemons and salt, and put one lemon in each corner of your home. When negative energy comes in the lemon and salt will absorb the negative energy.   

Here are my favorite youtube videos for each of these! 

Florida Water: (Yeyeo)

Smug Sticks: (Yeyeo)

Crystals: (Yeyeo)

Lemons and Salt:, (Yeyeo)

All pictures come from google. All videos came from youtube from Yeyeo pages. 

Don't go off of anything I tell you. Go do the work on your own to find out. I'm always here for answer any questions you have. Leave a comment or email and I will get to you soon as I can. 

Thank you for all of your support. I love you guys.

Peace and Love!



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