Sex & Energy!


Hey loves, 

        I'm back with another one. 🤣 I hope everybody is doing well, and staying safe. Today I want to go over Sex, and energy transfer. Yes sex is good we all love it. It's a part of life that we know all to well. There is things that we don't know about sex that is mind blowing okay. Sex with to many people can become dangerous and i'm going to tell you why. 

        We are made of energy. When we mate we are supposed to only do it with one person at a time. Humans are energy and you transfer that when you have sex with somebody. So lets just say this scenario okay. Jessica is a beautiful black woman, she has a mate ( male or female ) they have been together for 3 years. Jessica's mate is the only person she knows sexually. Now her mate Jonnie is a lover boy. Has all the ladies looking at him. So he steps out on Jessica. 

        Now Jessica at home feeling off with her body and her spirit. She don't over stand why. Well what happen was when Jonnie sleeps with other women, and comes in sleeps with Jessica all them other women energy is now inside Jessica. Not only does Jessica have Jonnie energy in her, she also has the women he cheated with on top of the all the other people the girl slept with before Jonnie, Now Jessica dont feel good, her ph is off, her emotions are all over the place and she don't know why. She can feel that something isn't right with her and Jonnie. Why you ask? She can feel it when hes there with her or even when hes gone. She is carrying his energy inside of her along with other women she don't even know. 

                Now she has to cleans her whole body top to bottom just to get all these different people off her energy. Its not easy do that when you don't know you have other peoples energy on you. You have to know who you're sleeping with at all times to keep you protected. Sex is good yes, its only for your one person. Not everybody ladies. Once you over stand it you will get it. I will break it down how it was broken down to me. If you guys want to know how to cleanse your body let me know. You shouldn't believe anything I tell you go do your own home work.

If you have any questions let me know in the comments. 


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