The Real Reason I Made An Blog Page.

               Why I started my blog page?

Hey guys,
           It's been a few people that has asked why I started my blog page. The main reason is to bring the light back into spirituality and the black and brown people. Most of us don't know who we really are. So for the ones who has questions and want to know that's what this page is for. I hope it helps people who want to know about spirituality.

            Spirituality has been around for ages. Its not with us its in us. Knowing that energies transfer from person to person so easy that we never really stopped to even question it. Simple things like a hug, or a hand shake transfers energy all the time. Its energy in your home around your family, and friends. That's why its so important to protect your energy at all costs.

              Energy is a very big thing that we really don't take the time to protect our self from. You can walk into a room and feel everybody energy, it almost feels like people are looking at you. The whole time its the persons energy that they are giving off. That can easy become your energy if you don't know. Here's a few way to protect your energy and stay safe from negative energy. Spirituality is a beautiful thing once you wake up to your spiritual self. 

    Ways you transfer energy. 

  1. Thoughts that are negative about yourself or other people.
  2. Hugs
  3. Hand shakes
  4. Evil eye
    Ways to protect your energies:

  • Cleanse
  • Get you some crystals
  • Sage your home and car
  • Don't hug people
  • Don't shake nobody hand
  • Always call back your power
These are just a few things you can do. Its so many more things you can do to protect your energies. Its so important because our energy is who we are and our own safe place. Its not even safe from the spiritual realm. Why? Well that's because we cant see the spirits but they can see and feel us. I can also get more deeper into if you like. Like I said we have to protect our energies from all negative things around this world. We need to also bring our vibration up as high as we possible can. I can not lie the worlds vibration is very low That's why it seems the world is in so much chaos.

Ways to bring your vibration up:
  • Stay hydrated
  • Focus on joy, and peace
  • Move your body
  • Work with crystals
  • Journal
  • Belly breathing
  • MEDITATE ( Very important ) 
  • Eat raw fresh foods
  • Play healing frequencies
  • Salt baths
  • Spend time outside
My favorite thing is to meditate. Once you can connect to source everything is so much easier. God and your ancestors will always protect you. The way you can connect with these spirits best is meditate. So you know when the spirits are talking to you. They talk to us all the time we are just not paying attention till its to late. We get them gut feelings, we feel the hair on you arm go up. Things like that we don't pay attention to. Meditation is good for the mind, body, and the soul. Its the best key to spirituality. Meditation does a lot for you 7 min a day. Start short then move up as you learn to meditate. If you want to learn how to do meditate let me know. Leave a comment or email me. 

I hope this helps! Love you guys! 

Stay woke!


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