Finding Self Love!

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Self Love: Regard for ones own well-being, and happiness. ( Non-narcissistic )

(Me) Loving you and who you are whole haertily. You love you and all of your imperfections. You  love yourself. 

Why? Love is the key to life start by loving who you are, and then you can love others. You can not love nothing or anybody if you don't love yourself. 

Here is  a list of of things to start doing to help you with self love. 

FYI: I'm still learning how to love my self as well. I'm still learning that love comes from within. It will always get better.

* Stop comparing yourself to others.

* Fuck other peoples opinion.

* Don't be afraid to let go of toxic people.

* Process your fears.

* Be kind to your self.

Self Love Bath:

This bath is to help you get back to loving on your self.

Need: Rose quartz crystal, Rose petals, Pink/ white candle, Lavender oil, Lavender buds, Pink himalayan salt, epson salt!

Put everything in a bowl mix well. Then put it in a bath bag or tea bag, and run a bath after you take a shower and clean your self. Soak in this bath with love music playing.

Self- Love affirmations:

* My mistakes do not define me.

* I gave myself permission to heal.

* I am my own safe place.

Mediation: The action or practice of meditating.

Heal so you and your family can heal. Question everything.

Pictures came from google I do not own the rights to them. Do not go off of anything I tell you go do the work your self!

Stay safe loves.



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