If You Could Talk To Your 20 Year Old Self!

 What going on ya'll? Lets talk for a while today. If you could talk to your 20 year old self. What would you tell him/her? Why??????? 

       Now the reason I asked this question is because it's a good shadow work question. This question will help you open up to the some of them dark things you don't like. To help you heal from you childhood trauma. This question came around to me and oh me oh my. All the emotions, pain, and growth that came from this question helped me become a better me. So again don't lie to your self you only hurting you. So think on it feel it. Then answer the question on a deep level. 

    For now I'm going to open me up to ya'll for a second. This is a no judge zone. Let me clear that up now. I'm going to give you guys a few of my answers to this open ended question. I'm also going to tell you why to each one. This is my journey all me so yours might be different from all of mines. Be mindful how to come on my page! Let's Go!

1) Your friends matter. 

2) Find your edge.

3) You don't need anybody's approval.

4) Love you so hard no matter what!

5) Stay healthy.

6) Get your rest!

7) Spirituality is your best friend!

8) Have courage no matter how scared you are.

9) Be and Stay Real as you can. ( Authentic ) 

Where is my Why to each one:

1) The reason your friends matter is because you can get with the wrong crowd and end your whole like not even knowing any better. Surround your self with friends that will ride the long way, and know that loyalty and love is real. You wont find many real friends so when you do hold on to them. They can help you deal with life in a good way. People you love and trust is always good.

2) When you take the time out to find your edge. Then you will find out what you do and don't like. Or what you wont and will take. It's just that simple. Trust me you will be happy once you have an over standing of you and what you do and don't want. 

3) Get your rest! If you don't sleep and get your me time you will never have time for anything. I promise! When your well rested you move and think in a better light. Rest is very important to the mind, body, and soul. Watch how you feel when you rest up and get ready to face life. You feel free and good inside. You work better when you are well rested.

4) You don't need any kinda approval from anybody. Let me say it again you DON'T NEED NOBODY APPROVAL KNOW THAT! You do not have to look to a damn soul on this planet for approval over your life. No. It's okay to hear out your loved ones feelings, but at the end of the day you be you. You don't have to get anything from anybody for your life! 

5) Stay healthy. If it's your body and your health that helps you in this life. You should always want to take care of it. You should always love it why because it's who you are. Simple as that. Stay healthy, eat right, work out daily, meditate. Enjoy as much of life as you can while you can, and with people you love. Keep your spiritual self healthy as well. Life will be so much lighter. 

6) Your spiritual journey is going to be your best friend. While on the journey you will learn and grow in a whole way that wasn't taught to you in school. With that mediating, yoga are good ways to start that journey. Keep a journal write down everything you learn. Watch your light up for the better. 

7) Love on you so much no one soul can break how you feeling. Love on you so hard that you don't need a man/woman to help you feel love. Love you so hard that you don't use sex as a way of love. Life is hard and it's not so fun at times. You have to have love for you and love you. So that you can love the world around you! Life is all about love! That starts with you!

8) You will need to be as brave as you can. This life will test you in so many ways you can't even count. When you are scared and feel like something is scary face it. Do not run from your fears! Face them, stand tall no matter if you have to cry while you do it. When you learn to do this then you break under pressure. Life is real, and it will get hard at times. You can do it. I have seen you do it. BE brave girl!

9) Keep it all the way real. What I'm saying is don't be fake, disloyal to your right hands. No let me take that back don't be fake at all. BE who you are and never fake who you are for NOBODY! If they don't like you for let them ride on. Do not tell people things just to keep from hurting feelings. Say it in a nice way but also let be know your nothing but real at the end of the day. Loyal is to heavy to be played with and a lot of people like the thought of them being loyal and real. Yet all along they fake for real. Being real is hard and only a real one can keep it real. You will know the real one's when you see them because 9/10 they standing alone or with one other person. Let's keep it real! Being real as a person makes you gifted in a lot of peoples eyes. So stay real!

Don't stop doing shadow work. Keep Healing! 

There you have it! That young lady will for ever be growing as young woman. I don't regret anything that has happen, or anything that is yet to happen. That's because these things in my life make me who I am! I'm so loving on me no matter who isn't loving on me baby! My Life My Love! Let's keep it real!

I love ya'll Leave a comment or email. Come back twice a week for a herb post!

Don't believe anything I say go do the work for your self! 



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