Mugwort Herb!


    It's an British Isles plant used for medicine.


  • Digestive Problems
  • Irregular Menstruation
  • High Blood Pressure
  • Yes, you can smoke mugwort in dry herb form. (Helps with lucid dreaming)

Side Effects:
  • Never take if you have allergic to Daisy plant family. Or if you are pregnant don't take this herb.
Drink 3-4x daily (  Once on an empty stomach right before meals.) 

  • She fights cancer and helps prevent cancer!
Weight Loss:
  • Supports weight loss in a healthy way.

  • Great for hair loss, any kind of hair loss problems this herb is good for. 
Menstrual Cycle:
  • Help start your period. 
  • Regulate cycle.
  • Increase circulation to warm up the uterus, and pelvic region. 

I have this herb in my home as well. I love it because its regulated my cycle. My monthly used to be bad and it was never regular. Now that I have been drink this as a tea its been very regular. I'm so in love with this herb because my hair is so much better from a bad breakage. Go get it!

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Disclaimer: I don't own the rights to two photos on here. The photos come from Google. 

If you have any comments they are all welcome here. Please drop them or send me an email.

Don't believe anything I tell you go look it up on your own! 

Love you guys



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