Tuesday, October 18, 2022

My Favorite Spiritual Color!

             Today we will be going over my all time favorite spiritual color which is White!

* What does the color white mean to you?

White to me feels cleansing all the way around. White is purity from all sides. White to me is healing.


* Spiritual color White:

        * Purity

        * Wholeness

        * Innocence

        * Clarity

        * Simplicity

        * Cleanliness

        * Completion

        * New Beginnings

        * Reflection

        * Equality

        * Unity

        * Openness

How can you wear the color white?

* You can wear waist bead sets.

* You can wear a white outfit.

* Wear a white head covering.

How to use white at home.

* Burn a white candle.

* Use a white covering on your alters.

* Put white sheets on your bed at night.

All pictures come from google. I don't own the rights to these pictures. 

White can be very helpful to you. It's very powerful to know how and why white is such a very important color to use on a daily. I use it every day even when I don't know I'm using it. Don't go off anything I'm telling you. Look it up for your self. 

Question everything in your whole life!

Love you guys hope this helps.


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