Loved One Contacts You?

 6 Signs A Deceased Loved One Has Contacted You!

Hey guys! Today we will be going over the 6 signs you will get when a passed on loved one reaches out to you. Now I know that seems a little scary. To be honest it's nothing to fear. Why? Your loved ones just want to talk to you that's all. It;s nothing to fear. Death is not the end it's only the beginning of life! We fear death because we don't understand it. I used to be scared of death or losing a loved one. I have grown to understand they help and guide us more in the after life then they ever could in this human life. 

    So lets get into these 6 signs that you may or may not have ignored. Loved ones always want to connect with us only even if it's just to say hello or to let you know that they are okay. So from me to you guys always pay close attention to the signs when they come to see you. 

                                        6 Signs:

1.Appear in your dreams!

Some loved ones you can see them in your dreams as you sleep. Try to see the whole dream out and see how you feel after. It could be them showing you a message they need you to know just in dream form. Have that conversation with them in your dreams you might be shocked at what you find.

2.Black feathers!

You might go out and see a black feather on he ground out of no where. That only means that someone you love or someone close to you has passed and they are using the black feather to reach out to you.

3.Smell them!

You will smell them like a cologne they always wear or something. That's another way that you can tell your loved ones are trying to contact you just from always smelling their cologne.

4.Clocks stopping!

When you see your clocks and they stop working for no reasons at all. It's your loved ones telling you hello i'm here!

5.Same Songs!

If you keep hearing a song that a loved one used to play all the time. That's another way you can tell that they are trying to contact you.

6.Change in temp!

If it gets cold out of no where it could be a loved one trying to contact you! So don't freak out when you get cold out of no where or the hairs stand up on you back. lol It's okay it's only loved ones saying hello!

These are just some of the many ways passed on loved one will try to contact you. If you have felt or had any of these happen to you please leave me a comment below or drop an email I would love to know!

Love you guys! 

Stay woke!



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