Eye Twitching!

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    Eye twitching is something happens everyday for some people. If your eyes twitch and you don't have any health issues with your eyes. Then it might be something spiritual that's trying to be shown to you. I know people from all over have their own feelings or beliefs on eye twitching. I'm going to share a few with you guys today. So let's get into it.

1) African:

  • Left Eye Twitching: Event that will bring tears. Loss, Death!
  • Right Eye Twitching: Unexpected visitor will meet you!
2) Hawaiian:
  • Left Eye Twitching: Expect a visit from a stranger or death coming to the family.
  • Right Eye Twitching: A new child is born in the family.
3) Chinese:
  • Left Eye Twitching:Fortune and good luck.
  • Right Eye Twitching: Bad fortune and unluckiness.
4) Indian:
  • Left Eye Twitching:Positive sign for women, bad omen for men.
  • Right Eye Twitching:Good fortune coming to you. An upcoming event will work in your favor.
Now what I was told as a child was that your right eye twitching means your moving through a period of transformation. Your left eye is you will be getting some good news.

Key thing to know: Is that keeping a open mind is the best way to be.

Please leave a comment or email if you have any questions or comments.

Love you guys!



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