Cancer Fighting Herbs!

                                                         Herbs That Fight Cancer!

    Today we will be getting into herbs. These herbs I will be going over are the good ones that help fight or kill cancer. It's a lot more out there that help fight cancer these are the ones I know. So let's get into this loves. Yes you can heal your self from any cancer! 


1) Turmeric: 

  • Yellow curry powder.
  • Inhibits growth of cancer cells.
  • Anti-inflammatory.
Tip: Tea or soup (Add pepper and Olive Oil)

2) Ginger: 

  • It's antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties.
  • Protects against cancer.
  • Appetite stimulant.
Tip: Tea steep for 10 min.

3) Cayenne Pepper: 

  • It has betocarotene it is known to be toxic to cancer cells. 
  • Stops growth of cancer.
Tip: Tea, or add to food.

4) Saffron: 

  • Stops tumor growth and progression of cancer.
Tip: Add to food.

5) Oregano:  

  • High in antioxidants slows down cancer cells.
  • Promotes apoptosis ( Cell death)
Tip: Marinating with it can reduce formation of heterocyclic amines (HCAs) when the meat is cooked.

6) Garlic: 

  • Powerful anti-cancer spice.
  • Boots your immune system.
Tip: 1Dose daily remember chop and stop for 10 min.

These are my six herbs that help fight cancer. How you can use them to help you. They can even help prevent cancer. I hope this helps.

Please Do Your Own Homework on these herbs. If you have any questions or comments please feel free to inbox me.

Disclaimer: I don't own the rights to any photos. They all came from google.

Love yall!



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