Himalayan Salt Lamp

                           Himalayan Salt Lamp (Reasons)


    Today we will be going over the great himalayan salt lamp. The great the benefits of the salt lamp. Why you should at lest get one for health reasons. I have one and never knew how good they are. So let's get into it with this reasons we use the salt lamp. Here we go!

1) Decreases stress- The salt helps you let go of stress and drama.

2) Purifies air- Cleans your air around you.

3) Increase energy- Helps give you energy to do everyday things.

4) Improves mood- Helps your mood on a daily.

5) Eases coughing- Helps with cold and flu.

6) Improves concentration- Helps you focus better.

With these few things that Himalayan salt helps. It's things we need on a daily. So it's very smart to have one.  At lest in your home. That would be the best place to start using it. 

Disclaimer: I don't own the rights to any photos on here. They all came from google!

Please fell free to leave a comment or an email if you have any questions or anything i'm always here.

Love you guys!



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