Soul Connections!

 Do you know all of the soul connections? 

    Soul Connection!          

Today we will be going over all the different types of soul connections we can have as humans.

    We come in contact with a lot of people but the thing is we have connections with some that have a reason to why we are with these people. Today I will be going over that list with you. Now like I always say you don't have to go off of anything I say just to the work your self and find out. Now let's get into this. Today we have 5 main connections we will be talking about. 


(Twin Flame) Someone who shares the same soul as you do. Yes this is very possible. Do the work!!

(Soulmate) Unique bond with a person romantically and platonically connected to your soul throughout lifetimes as your companion. You help each other heal and grow together in positive ways. 

(Karmic) Bad- fated soul connection that is meant to mirror your dark energy and pushing you to your highest good. 

(Soulless Portal) Physical vessel void of divinity whose soul purpose is to deter your spiritual growth and sometimes cause harm.

(Ancestors)  Family. A spirit who has crossed over to the after life or is stuck within it.

These are the 5 types of connections you can have. In many different ways and with many different people. You can have more then one of these in your life time as well. 

So know the energy you dealing with and why!

Disclaimer: I don't own the rights to any photos they all came from google. 

Please leave a comment or drop a email I will get back to you soon as I can.

I love yall! 

Stay Woke!


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