
                                                             How To Wear Crystals!

Today we are going over how to wear crystals. Its a lot more to it then what I'm going to show you today. Crystals have been around before time itself. I'm just going to go over the way I wear my crystals. If you want more info on this outside of what I show you please feel free to hit me up or look it up on your own. It's going to be how I wear them on my hands.  Let's get into it!

Right Hand!

  • Giving 
  • Releases energy 
  • Communication
  • Cleansing & Protection
* Rings or bracelets: 
    You would wear them on your right side to help let go of negative energy. It will also help you with talking to others as well. It also cleanses and protects you as you wear them. Here are some crystals that I wear on my right side or on my right hand.

Crystals: Amethyst (Protection), Selenite (Cleansing), Blue Quartz (Communication), Releases energy (Opal)

Left Hand!
  • Receiving
  • Absorbs energy
  • Connected to subconscious
  • Inner work
*Rings or bracelets:
    You wear these on your left hand. This will bring about inner work that needs to be. So let's get into it.

Crystals: Rose Quartz (Inner Work/peace),  Amethyst (Connect subconscious)

Disclaimer: I Don't Own The Rights To These Photos They All Came From Google.

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