Hey Loves! Today I want to talk to you about spirituality. It's a beautiful thing, and I love my spiritual journey. One thing I can say is it's not at all going to be easy. So with that being said, when the time comes for you to get on yours just don't think it's all flowers and candy. Now let's get into it. 

    The dark side!

        You have no choice but to go into your darker self to get to your better self. You have to deal with the things you hide in ya self in order to get to be a better you.  Once you face the dark you hold on to and release it, you can move forward to a better you. The thing about that is! It's going to hurt like hell. I can tell you for myself it isn't easy at all. Them let downs, them hurts everything you hold deep inside and cover up. You have to uncover and face it. You're going to cry, laugh, and scream and that is okay. I had to and still am dealing with my dark side. So yes I know!

    The light!

            I can say once you let go of some of that hurt and extra pain you holding onto you will definitely feel better. Crying is a form of release, so it's a good thing. Why? You're feeling all the emotions and not sitting on them long helps you feel the light and start to heal. The is always where you want to be but it's not a game-playing thing that's going to come easy. That's not what spirituality is about.  In this blog, I'm only touching on these things because it's important. 


                Healing is something I didn't want to do at all. It's something I knew I had to do. I had to do it for me and me alone. I went within and at first, I didn't want to. Somethings that I was running from and covering up I had to face. The hardest part was starting to get to it. Once I did I cried for a few days. No joking the long way. Yall know how I am at this point. Keeping it real is what I do with you guys. So yes you must heal to shine bright. That's why I wanted to bring this up.


        Healing is better than holding onto pain, hurt, regret, shame, and so on. I never knew how facing the things that were holding me back would release me from the things I didn't like in my life. I thank God every day for my healing and my spiritual journey. If you know then you know. If you don't Baby you need to get with it. I love yall. Drop a comment and email if you need to. 

Love yall



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