Magical Water
Magical Water Properties!
Today we will go over the magic that goes with water. The things you can do with this water. I have used all 12 of these myself. I highly recommend you try these out in your free time. Let me know how it helps and changes your life! So let's get into it. It's 12 altogether that we will be looking at.
1) Rain Water: ( Collect the rainwater )
- Growth spells
- Rebirth spells
- Cleansing
- Scrying
- Altar water
- Ritual baths
2) Strom Water: ( Collect the water from a thunderstorm )
- Vitality
- Self-esteem
- Courage
- Mental strength
- Protection
- Strengthen a spell
3) Dew Water: ( The early morning water dew )
- Healing
- Beauty
- Eyesight
- Love and fertility
- Working with fae
- Cleansing
4) Snow Water: ( Collect the water from melting snow )
- Unthaw a situation
- Transformation
- Balance
- Peace
- Endings
- Consecrating
5) Moon Water: ( Collect water and sit it under the moonlight)
- Charging
- Bless or cleanse
- Bath rituals
- Powering spell
- Healing Magic
- Curses and hexes
6) Sun Water: ( Collect water and sit it out under sunlight)
- Protection
- Healing
- Clairvoyance
- Happiness
- Fertility
- Creativity
7) River Water: ( Collect water from the river )
- Moving on
- Focusing energy
- Wording
- Power
- Charging
- Breaking through
8) Sea Water: ( Collect water from the ocean )
- Cleansing
- Banishing
- Protection
- Emotional balance
- Healing rituals
- Manifestation
9) Swamp Water: ( Collect water from a swamp )
- Binding
- Banishing
- Hexes
- Curses
- Revenge
- Magic involving
10) Well Water: ( Collect water from a well )
- Healing
- Wishes
- Intuition
- Worldly beings
- Connect to others
- Manifestation
11) Lake Water: ( Collect water from a lake )
- Joy
- Peace
- Contentment
- Relaxation
- Self-reflection
- Self- discovery
12) Spring Water: ( Collect water from a spring )
- Growth
- Holy water
- Cleansing
- Abundance
- Potions
- Beauty
So here it is! Now that you know of all these ways to collect and use these waters please do so. If you have any questions please hit me up and I can defiantly help you guys out with this. Please comment or drop me an email if you need me!
Peace & Love!
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