Q & A's For Meditation!

         Today we will talk about a few questions you guys had about meditation. So I'm coming with a Q & A today. I am going to try and touch on some of the things you guys have been asking about. I can only give you the things I have done in my experience with meditation. I love meditating because it helps me free from things that hold me back and also helps with the healing process. So let's just jump right into it. We wIll be doing 9 Questions in all.


Q1) What is meditation?

    A) Meditation is a practice of being yourself back to a stable state of mind. In so many words its mindfulness in a nutshell. 

Q2) What are 3 ways to meditate?

    A) Counting your breath, mindful walking, and body scan. There are a few others as well. Here is just the 3 off the top of my head.

Q3) What are you doing when you meditate?

    A) You are spending time with your mind. Simple as that.

Q4) How do beginners start meditating?

    A) Find a quiet place to sit to start with. 5 min a day to start with. Feet flat on the floor sit upright spine straight. focus on your breathing. Eyes are always closed.

Q5) Why is it so hard to meditate at first?

     A) It's because you are learning new things about your mind and the things it can do. It takes time.

Q6) What are the biggest problems with meditating?

    A) It pretty much is restlessness and physical discomfort.

Q7) What is the best time to meditate?

    A) The morning is the best time for me. It's quiet and it's a fresh day at this point.

Q8) When should you not meditate?

    A) You should never meditate when you are in a depressed, anxious, and distressed state.

Q9) Why is it so hard to meditate?

    A) It takes bravery to do this. You have to be ready for the things that meditation will bring to you. It is beautiful in so many but can be scary at the same time.

        Well here goes the questions and all the answers I can get you guys. If you have any more questions feel free to hit me up or drop a comment below for me. I will get to it as soon as I can. Love you guys.

Peace & Love!



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