Spiritual Tips For School!

                        Spiritual tips and tricks for school!     

    Today we will review some tips and tricks for helping with schooling. I know we have kids and adults who are in school. Today I will show you some ways of getting good grades and having a good school year! Simple and easy is how we live it. You have to have the intentions and faith along with it. Keep in mind everything should always be cleansed before you start any workings!

Let's get into it!

Tip 1: Need: Bible, Your Voice!

  • Cleanse yourself and your space and Bible. (Before you start)
  • Open the Bible to Mark 5 verse 36.
  • Read it 9x's to yourself.
  • " Overhearing what they said, Jesus told him, Don't be afraid; just believe."
  • Let it go and take the school year by storm! 
Tip 2: Need: Name paper (Brown bag), Karo Syrup, Jar, Professors or teachers names (Correct spelling).
  • Cleanse your tools. ( Everything, and your self and space).
  • Put the name of the teacher on a brown paper bag. ( All that apply)
  • Fold it towards you 3x's.
  • Place it in the bottom of the jar.
  • Add the Karo syrup. ( Ensure that they are sweet and lenient to you this school year)
  • Close that jar and seal it with green candle wax.
  • Put it in a cool dark place and leave it till the school year is over.
Tip 3: Need: Candle. (White or Gold), Niddle, Your voice.
  • Cleanse ( Everything)
  • Get your candle and carve the name of the test on the candle. (Math, English, etc..)
  • As you light it speak your incantation while lighting it.
  • Also, say it before you take a test.
  • Say: "Fill my mind with what I need to know so that good grades can be reaped from what I sow. I am filled with knowledge and power, bring the answers to me this very hour."
Tip 4: Need: Jar, Salt, Cinnamon, Thyme, Lavender, Carnelian, Quartz, St. John Wort, Brown paper bag, Green candle.
  • Cleanse (Everything)
  • Put your name and Good Grades on your brown paper.
  • Fold it towards you 3x's.
  • Place it in the bottom of the jar.
  • Now add herbs and intentions.
  • Salt (Cleanse), Cinnamon (Success), Thyme (Positive attitude and healing), Lavender ( Peace and calming), Carnelian ( Courage), Quartz ( Amplify spell), St. Johns Wort (Inspiring grades), Green wax ( Sealing jar)
  • Once everything is in seal it with green wax.
  • Put it in a dark cool place or keep it in your book bag.
These are 4 good tips for schooling. I know they work very well. Keep in mind you are the one putting in the work. So please please give it all you got in anything you ever do. I love you guys!

    If you have any questions please feel free to inbox me or drop a comment for me.

I love you all!

Peace and love!


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