
                                                         Herbs For your Chakras!

            Today we will be going over some herbs that are good for each chakra. 

if you need info on the chakras please go back to the link I have dropped below. Today we will focus on the herbs that help unblock each chakra in the body. So let's not waste any more time let's get into it!

1) Root- Ginger, elderflower

2) Sacral- Dandelion, calendula

3) Solar Plexus- Rosemary, cinnamon

4) Heart- Rose petals, Jasmine

5) Throat- mLemon, peppermint

6) 3rd Eye- Lavender, peppermint

7) Crown- Lotus root, eucaluptus

These are the herbs for the 7 main chakras in the body. These herbs will help open up blocked chakras. I hope this helps. 

Here is the link for the 7 main chakras:

If you have any questions please drop a comment or an email!

I love you guys!



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