
 Money & Magic!

        Today we will be talking about money and magic. Money is something we all need nowadays. Magic is something we all have no matter if you believe it or not. It's their love bug. So today we will be showing you a money oil you can use to attract money. We will also be showing you what's best for money manifesting. It's the simple stuff that I love. I use all of these every day or when needed. You can do the same. Let's get into it.

Money Work:

  • Days: Wed, Sat
  • Numbers: 3,4,8
  • Color: Green, Gold, Pink
  • Herbs: Basil, Cinnamon, Bayleaf
  • Oils: Peppermint, Fast Cash Oil
  • Prayers: Psalms 23,41,144
  • Other: Gold glitter, copper pennies
Now let me show you what you can use to make a simple money oil.

  • Basil
  • Ground sage
  • Mint leaves
  • Bayleaf
  • Cloves
  • Chamomile
  • Base oil (Olvia oil)
Steep for 2 to 3 min and put in a jar with lip. Keep it in a dark safe place for 3 days after that pray over it and so it is.

There you have it. If you need that extra money boost try this out and let me know how it works for you. I love you guys please leave a comment or an email if you have any questions for me.

Peace  and Love 


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