Thursday, December 29, 2022

Oils For Peace!

 Essential Oils For Peace!

Tonight I will be talking to you guys about oils to use to keep you in a peaceful state of mind. Why is this important? When you are at peace everything around you moves so smooth with no headaches. Peace and love is the only way to get through this life we are living. So lets look at these oils you can use to help with that.

Top 5 essential oils for peace.

1) Benzoin

2) Magnolia

3) Rose

4) Gardena

5) Tuberose

Photos of the essential Oils!!

Please do not get these oils in your eyes or mouth. It could be bad if you do so. Please don't wait if you have an allergic reaction stop using these oils. 

I have all 5 in my home I try to use them as much as possible to keep me grounded and at peace. I love all of them give it a try.

Disclaimer: I don't own the rights to any of the pictures. They all came from google. 

Please leave a comment or drop me some lines. love you guys!


Life Path Numbers!

 Life Path

    Today we will be going over the positive and negative things about each life path number. So lets kick back and enjoy this post guys! If you don't know what a life path number is please go to my post about how to find your life path numbers. It breaks it all down there! Then come back and enjoy this one! Wink!

Life Path Numbers!

1)  Element is Fire! P: Leadership, Courage, Positive. N: Selfish, Stubborn. Best days of the week: 1st,10th,19th,28th. Color: Red.

2) Element is Water! P: Charming, Diplomatic. N: Shy, Oversensitive, Patient Ambition less. Days of the week: 2ND, 11Th, 20Th. Color: Green.

3) Element is Fire! P: Friendly, Popular, Artistic. N: Vain, Critical, Egoistical. Days of the week: 3rd, 12th, 21st, 30th. Color: Red.

4) Element is Earth! P: Proud, Loyal, Hard-working. N: Jealously, Stingy, Stubborn. Day of the  week: 4th, 13th, 22nd,31st. Color: Blue

5) Element is Air! P: Free-thinking, Passionate, Dramatic. N: Greedy, Envious, Unreliable. Days of the week: 5th, 14th, 23rd. Color: Purple.

6) Element is Earth! P: Loyal, Charming, Peacemaker. N: Picky, Nagging, Selfish. Days of the week: 6th, 15th, 24th. Color: Yellow

7) Element is Water! P: Quiet, Mystical, Intuitive. N: Shy, Moody, Critical. Days of the week: 7th, 16th, 25th.Color: Gray.

8) Element is Earth. P:Power, Wise, Fortune. N: Depression, Egoistical, money-hungry. Days of the week: 8th, 17th, 26th. Color: Azure

9) Element is Fire! P: Wise, Emotional. N: Self-pitty,Unconcerned. Days of the week: 9th, 18th, 27th. Colors: Red

These life paths can help you uncover who you are and why you feel the way you do about things going on in life. How to fix them with colors and days of the week. If you have any questions please let me know. Leave a comment below or just simply hit me up.

Love you guys.


Life Numbers You Need To Know!

                         4 Life Numbers!

    What's good guys? I hope all is well with  you guys. I hope everybody had a good xmas and a happy new year! So to get things started off on the right foot. I wanted to talk to you guys about your 4 life numbers we all have. These 4 numbers can help you find out who you are and what your purpose is in this lie. You can also use these number to connect with deities ( Gods and Goddess) our ancestors. Now I will be showing you how to get each number and why its important for you to know these numbers.

    The 4 numbers you need to know is your Life Path Number, Gift Number, Expression Number, and Soul Urage Number. These 4 numbers will break down in very good detail on your life and who you really are. Even the bad things that happens in your life these number can break everything down and show you why you feel the way you feel okay. So let's get into it. 

                                                        4 Life Numbers!

1) Life Path Number!

  1. You will add up your whole birthday okay. I'm going to use mines and the examples. My birthday is 12/03/1988 Add all the numbers together to get one single digit number. 1+2+3+1+9+8+8=32 Add 3+2=5 Now its a single digit number now that's how i know 5 is my Life Path Number. Now Find Yours.
2) Gift Number!
  • You will add up the day you was born. If its a single digit good if not add it down to a single number. Example: Mines is 3 simple as that. # is my Gift Number the day I was born. Now Find Yours.
3) Expression Number!
  • All add the letters of your full name. Example: Phyllis Jacobi Williams=95, 9+5=14,1+4=5 my Gift Number is 5. Now Find yours.
4) Soul Urage Number!
  • Add only the vowels only! All your full name just the vowels now! A,,I,O,U,Y! Example: Phyllis Jacobi Williams=51,5+1=6 my Soul Urage Number is 6. Now find yours. 
These are the 4 numbers you need to know. I am also going to put a chart letter and key chart below for you guys. You will need this chart to help you get these numbers. If you still need help PLEASE CONTACT ME. Leave a comment, or hit me on any of my social pages or email me.

Each Number Has 2 to 3 Letters From The Alphabet Okay. 1=A,J,S these 3 letters is for the number 1 okay. Here we go.


Once you get these numbers you will be able to go find the break down of each one and move forward with life. I love you guys.

Disclaimer: I Do Not Own Any Pictures On This Blog The Photos Came From Goggle.

Please comment, and share.


Friday, December 23, 2022

Beginner Crystals!

                         Crystals For Beginners!

Today we will be going over some of the crystals I feel like all beginners should have. I have all the crystals we will be going over today. Crystals are very powerful. You need to learn how to use them as well as how to cleanse them and charge them. That will be another blog post if you guys need that. Let me know in the comments if you want information on cleansing and recharging your crystals. Let’s get into it.


1. Clear quartz!

    * Clear quartz helps with mental clarity along side decisiveness. So if you just can’t get it together for nothing get a clear quartz it will help. Keep it near your skin or next to your bed at nighttime. I love clear quartz it was one of the first crystal I got received when I started my spiritual journey. It’s a must have in my book.

2. Green calcite!

    * Green calcite helps open new opportunities in your life. It helps the renewal of negative energy. I love this one because it’s so pretty, and it helps me keep my energy clear from negative energy. This is also a must have for my spiritual babies.

3. Peacockore!

    * Peacockore is a crystal that helps with gratitude and positive mind set. This crystal helps me stay positive when I feel lost or just unbalanced. Staying positive even in the bad times is very important. That’s why I say this crystal is a must have. Positivity is something that we lose sight of in hard times thats the time when we should use positivity the most. Get the crystal.

4. Pyrite!

    * Pyrite helps give you the willpower to keep going, keep pushing forward. It gives you that resilience you need to move towards the main goals you have in life. This one I love because when you feel you have nobody but you and you need that motivation to keep going. Pyrite is the best way to go. It hasn’t let me down yet. Go get it!

5. Rainbow moonstone!

    * Rainbow moonstone helps me with embracing change. I’m the type of person who don’t like change very much. So I found this moonstone very helpful for that. I used get anxiety very bad when it came to changes in my life. Now it’s like ok something new something different something uncomfortable face them changes. Rainbow moonstone will definitely help guys. Go get it.

6. Amethyst!

    * Amethyst by far is my all time favorite crystal ever. I love it so much it goes everywhere with me no lie. This beautiful crystal helps keep you balanced in all aspects of your life. It also is a protective. It keeps your energy protected from any other negative energy around you. That’s why I keep mines on me at all times. I love to put it in my hair or in my bra. I know staying balance and protected is a must. Go get it.

If you have any questions or comments please leave a comment below or drop me an email. I will respond.

Love you guys.


Monday, December 19, 2022

Loved One Contacts You?

 6 Signs A Deceased Loved One Has Contacted You!

Hey guys! Today we will be going over the 6 signs you will get when a passed on loved one reaches out to you. Now I know that seems a little scary. To be honest it's nothing to fear. Why? Your loved ones just want to talk to you that's all. It;s nothing to fear. Death is not the end it's only the beginning of life! We fear death because we don't understand it. I used to be scared of death or losing a loved one. I have grown to understand they help and guide us more in the after life then they ever could in this human life. 

    So lets get into these 6 signs that you may or may not have ignored. Loved ones always want to connect with us only even if it's just to say hello or to let you know that they are okay. So from me to you guys always pay close attention to the signs when they come to see you. 

                                        6 Signs:

1.Appear in your dreams!

Some loved ones you can see them in your dreams as you sleep. Try to see the whole dream out and see how you feel after. It could be them showing you a message they need you to know just in dream form. Have that conversation with them in your dreams you might be shocked at what you find.

2.Black feathers!

You might go out and see a black feather on he ground out of no where. That only means that someone you love or someone close to you has passed and they are using the black feather to reach out to you.

3.Smell them!

You will smell them like a cologne they always wear or something. That's another way that you can tell your loved ones are trying to contact you just from always smelling their cologne.

4.Clocks stopping!

When you see your clocks and they stop working for no reasons at all. It's your loved ones telling you hello i'm here!

5.Same Songs!

If you keep hearing a song that a loved one used to play all the time. That's another way you can tell that they are trying to contact you.

6.Change in temp!

If it gets cold out of no where it could be a loved one trying to contact you! So don't freak out when you get cold out of no where or the hairs stand up on you back. lol It's okay it's only loved ones saying hello!

These are just some of the many ways passed on loved one will try to contact you. If you have felt or had any of these happen to you please leave me a comment below or drop an email I would love to know!

Love you guys! 

Stay woke!


Friday, December 16, 2022

Colors & Energy!

                                             Color Energy!

* You can wear these colors to help bring balance to your life. Or just simply put these color things in your home to help unblock all energies. Colors have vibrations with them and if you use them on a daily with your intentions you can unblock a lot of negative energy! So today we will be getting into some of the color meanings and what they do to help balance your energy!

Colors & What they help with:

Grey: Neutrality, introspection, stillness

Sliver: Openness,intuition

White: Purity, New beginnings, imagination

Pink: Friendship, optimism, affection

Red: Love, passion, strength, power

Gold: Success, courage, setting boundaries

Brown: Grounding, home, stability 

Orange:Energy, luck, magnetism

Yellow: Learning, creativity, communication

Green: Health, abundance, prosperity

Blue: Peace, hope, healing

Purple: Intuition, deep connections

Black: Protection, silence, elimination

These are what the colors do. Now this isn't all of what they do this is just some of what they do. So if you want more do your home work and find out. If you have any questions or comments please drop them below in the comment section. 

Love you guys!


Saturday, December 10, 2022


                    Affirmations For Everyday!


* Thank you, universe. I am grateful for all I have.


* My body is balanced and thriving. I have a strong and healthy body.


* I spend money with gratitude and love. I always receive money with ease and grace.


* I am worthy pf receiving love. I accept and approve of myself.

Positive Thinking:

* All that I need is drawn to me. My success is for certain. 

These are my top affirmations that I love to use on a daily. I use them when I wake up in the morning, as well as before I go to bed. Please give these affirmations a try. I promise it will change your life!

Please leave me a comment or email if you have any question at all. 

Love you guys!


Sunday, December 4, 2022


                                                         Types Of Intuitions

  • Clairvoyance
1. Also known as (Clear Seeing).
2. This is your most symbolic intuition.
3. Visual what you want in your mind as a pictures, or flash cards.

  • Clairsentience
1. Also known as (Clear Feeling)
2. Most empathetic intuitions.
3.Very compassionate.
4. Gets information through mind, body, and soul.

  • Clairaudience
1. Also known as (Clear Hearing).
2. Easiest intuition of them all.
3. You hear info from inside your mind.
4. Receive it as an statement, sound, and songs, vibrations.

  • Claircognizance
1. Also known as (Clear Knowing).
2.Strongest type of intuition.
3. You will get intuitive information from impressions.
4. You know what will work and what wont work.

These are the 4 types of intuitions. Let me know in the comments which one you have. Me I'm clear knowing. Always have been always will be. Love you guys!


Butterfly Pea, Globe Amaranth, Lotus Flower, Safflower, Hibiscus!

                                                                            Teas!                                                           ...