Monday, January 30, 2023

Eye Twitching!

                                               Eye Twitching!

    Eye twitching is something happens everyday for some people. If your eyes twitch and you don't have any health issues with your eyes. Then it might be something spiritual that's trying to be shown to you. I know people from all over have their own feelings or beliefs on eye twitching. I'm going to share a few with you guys today. So let's get into it.

1) African:

  • Left Eye Twitching: Event that will bring tears. Loss, Death!
  • Right Eye Twitching: Unexpected visitor will meet you!
2) Hawaiian:
  • Left Eye Twitching: Expect a visit from a stranger or death coming to the family.
  • Right Eye Twitching: A new child is born in the family.
3) Chinese:
  • Left Eye Twitching:Fortune and good luck.
  • Right Eye Twitching: Bad fortune and unluckiness.
4) Indian:
  • Left Eye Twitching:Positive sign for women, bad omen for men.
  • Right Eye Twitching:Good fortune coming to you. An upcoming event will work in your favor.
Now what I was told as a child was that your right eye twitching means your moving through a period of transformation. Your left eye is you will be getting some good news.

Key thing to know: Is that keeping a open mind is the best way to be.

Please leave a comment or email if you have any questions or comments.

Love you guys!



 12 Things you need to remember!

These 12 things I feel like as humans we should know and understand well inner stand. You don't have to go along with what I think. I'm just putting this up to keep people in a positive mind set. Let's go!!!!

1) The Past Can't Be Changed.

  • So don't keep going back to the past. That's why it's in the past. Keep your head and keep moving forward.
2) Opinions Don't Define Your Reality.
  • It don't matter what anybody has to say. Thank you but no thank you.
3) Every Journey Is Different.
  • No one journey is the same no one person is the same. So do you for you!
4) Judgement Is Not About You.
  • The way people feel about you has not one damn thing to do with you at all. You must know and understand that.
5) Overthinking Will Lead To Sadness.
  • I'm a over thinker. So I get it but I also know that it will keep you sad and feeling bad. Trust me I know.
6) Happiness Is Found Within.
  • You can't find happiness no where in this world other then within you. Find love and happiness in you and nothing will be the same.
7) Things Affect Your Mood.
  • It's a lot of things and people in this world that can affect your mood. Always remember to stay positive no matter what it is. Your mood affects your day!
8) Smiles Are So Contagious.
  • Smile because when you have a smile on your face everybody will see you happy and loved. Always smile because your smile can make someones day.
9) Kindness Is Free.
  • You don't need one damn dime to nice to people. Simple as that!
10) It's Okay To Let Go And Move On.
  • It's okay to let negative people and things out your life. Let it go and move forward even when it's hard to do. It's better for you.
11) What Goes Around Comes around!
  • What ever energy you give out is the same energy that's going to come back around and say hello. lol
12) Things Always Get Better With Time.
  • This statement is so true. Even when we don't feel like it. It is! It can't always rain the sun has to come out sooner or later!

Here is my 12 things to remember. I love you guys and feel free to drop a comment or leave me a drop on my social media pages. Love you guys!


Sunday, January 29, 2023

Spiritual Guides!

                                      7 Types Of Spirit Guides!

These are spirit guides and how they come.

1) Ascended Masters:

  • Humans like us but has transcended to the after life.
2) Star Beings:
  • Galactic entities who you may have already known from the past.
3) Animal Spirit Guides:
  • Provide healing & support.
4) Nature Spirits:
  • Ethereal personifications who has been here since the beginning of time.
5) Ancestral Guides:
  • They are spirits guides that come from your blood line.
6) Angelic Spirit Guides:
  • Guardian angel.
7) Elements:
  • Spirits who have possess earthly elements such as earth, water, fire,air!
Please leave me a comment or hit my social media page if you have questions.

Love Ya'll




    Hey loves! Today I want to talk about the chakras we all have. It's more then 7 chakars in our bodies but today I'm only going over seven of them. It's important that we treat and learn our seven chakras to become a better person. When our chakras are blocked we act and feel in low vibrations, but it's simple ways of fixing this. 

     Let's take a deeper look at them today. I will be showing you the colors, Location in the body, Feelings, and out of balance feelings. I will also tell you things that you can do to help unblock your chakras. So we all can become better people together. I will be going over seven chakras in deep detail. Let's get into this.


1) Root Chakras: (Root)

  • Colors: Red
  • Out Of Balance: Unstable, unsafe
  • Location In The body: Base of the spine
  • Feelings: Survival, grounding, safe
2) Sacral Chakras:(Sacral)

  • Colors: Orange
  • Location In The Body: Reproductive Organs
  • Feelings: Sexual passion, Creativity
  • Out Of Balance: To much sex, Problems with joyfulness
3) Solar Plexus: (Solar)

  • Color: Yellow
  • Location In The Body: Near The Belly Button
  • Feelings: Power control, Self-worth
  • Out Of Balance: No Confidence
4) Heart: (Heart)

  • Color: Green
  • Feelings: Love
  • Location In The Body: Heart
  • Out Of Balance: Unloved, Lack of giving
5)Throat: (Throat)

  • Colors:Blue
  • Location In The Body:Throat
  • Feelings: Self-expression, Assertiveness
  • Out Of Balance: Lies 
6)Third Eye: (3Rd eye)

  • Colors: Indigo
  • Location: Eye brow area
  • Feelings: Understanding the bigger picture
  • Out Of Balance: Not spiritually connected, Can't make decisions clearly
7)Crown: (Crown)

  • Color: Purple
  • Location In The Body: Top Of The Head
  • Feelings: Being connected fully spiritually
  • Out Of Balance: Can't connect to the source of your problems
Root= Base trust
Sacral= Creativity, sexuality 
Solar Plexus= Power, Wisdom
Heart= Love, Healing
Throat= Communication
3Rd eye= Awareness
Crown= Spirituality 

These charas are with in us. Please take the time to work on you to unblock these chakras to heal and become better then we was. It's not about nobody else it's about you and healing you as a person. I love you guys and please please ask me if you have any questions. Please drop me a comment or hit my social media pages if you like.

Disclaimer: I don't own the rights to any of these photos. All photos came from google. 

Love Ya'll


Saturday, January 28, 2023

Types Of Self Care!

                                                                        Self Care!

    I wanna talk a little about self care. I feel like we as people don't do enough self care. We get so locked up in everyday life that we for get about us. The more self care you do the better you will be when it's time to take care of your every day needs. If you are not good how can you help the people you love? 

    So today I will be going over some self ideas you can do. You can do these daily or once a week or once a month as long as you do it. Why is it so important? When you do self care you are taking time out to make sure you are good, mentally, physically, emotionally, and spiritually. So let's get into this!

                                 Types Of Self Care!

Physical Self Care: 

  • Sleep: Get at lest 8 hrs if possible. Sleep is good because it helps you build back up the energy you lose from the day. 
  • Yoga: I would say 5 to 10 min of yoga a day is good. It's good for your body and your mental state.
  • Walking: 5 to 10 min a day. Helps with stress, good for your health to walk.
Emotional Self Care:
  • Stress management: Find ways to manage your stress levels. Keeping them low is best. Deep breathing, good social media time, connect with others like you.
Social Self Care:
  • Ask For Help: Ask the people you trust for things you need help with. Asking is good for the soul. 
  • Boundaries: Set up boundaries that are healthy for you and stick to them.
Spiritual Self Care:
  • Meditation: Its a million and one ways to do this. Do what works for you. Just do it.
  • Time Alone: Take time to be by your self. Nobody just you. Just be in the present moment. Just be!
Personal Self Care: 
  • Hobbies: Do something that you love doing and make it your hobby.
  • Honoring your self: Love you and put you 1st no matter what.
Space Self Care:
  • Safe: Make sure you are safe at all times.
  • Organize your space just for you. So that you feel good when you are in your safe space.
Financial Self Care:
  • Savings: Put some money to the side just to start saving something. Something is better then nothing always know that.
  • Budgeting: Put up a budget and stick to it.
Work Self Care:
  • Time management: Manage your time wisely to help with work. Work smarter not harder.
  • Break-Time: Take your breaks at work. That helps with getting rest while working and getting you some free time at work.
So this is it. If you have any questions please ask. Leave a comment, email, or hit my social platforms. 

Love you guys be safe!

Disclaimer: I don't own the rights to any photos on this blog post. All photos came from google. 


Monday, January 2, 2023

Spirit Animals!

                     My Top 6 Spirit Animals!

Today we are going over my 6 top spiritual animals. I will also be telling you in 3 reasons why I like each one. So lets get into guys.

1) Owl 

    *I know my intuition is heightened.

    *Abundance is around.

    *I need to be an observant listener.

2) Rabbit

    *I need to enjoy my peace.

    *It's time to be creative.

    *Fertility time.

3) Lady Bug

    *Very good luck.

    *Messenger of joy.

    *Protection is all around you.

4) Dog




5) Frog

    *Hidden Beauty.

    *Healing time.

    *Good luck is near.

6) Bees

    *Good fortune.

    *Good Communication.

    *Fertility is now.

When you see these animals just know that they are there in front of you to send you a message from the spirit side. Never be scared of animals because they are here to help us and enjoy this planet we all share. So keep this in mind when you see one.

Disclaimer: I Don't own the rights to any photos on this blog page. All photos came from google.

If you have any questions or comments please hit me up or drop a comment. I love you guys more to come. See you guys soon.

Love you guys!


Butterfly Pea, Globe Amaranth, Lotus Flower, Safflower, Hibiscus!

                                                                            Teas!                                                           ...