Friday, October 13, 2023

What Are Locks?

                                                               What Are Locks!

        Today we will be getting into this thing we call locks. Many different people wear locks. Yes, they do. The one and only race I'm talking about today is Black People. Locks started with us. Not up for debate. Anyway, we will be getting into that today, I love locks even though I don't have any myself I still love them. It comes from my people so why wouldn't I love them? I will say this the locks hold a lot of power. Let's get into it.


1) What are locks?

    It's a free-locking hairstyle, twisted, palm-rolled, coiled together to create a rope-like appearance.

2) What does it mean to black people?

    It means pride in a physical form which ties us with the natural life, and our beliefs. Devotion to purity.

3) Culturally meaning?

    Connection with the divine and spiritual world. Symbol of strength and integrity for warriors and chiefs.

4) Form?

    Just let your hair grow in its natural state without combing it at all. It will lock on its own. It's just the natural state of our hair.

5) Difference between Dreadlocks and locks?

    Locks are natural and have a more neutral term for them, dreadlocks have a more negative connection to them which means fear or dread. Don't let that go over your head.

6) Who in the bible had locks?

    Samson (Look it up)

7) What do the locks give you?

    They give you strength, power, and much more. (Look it up) 

8) The name for female locks?

    Jata-dreads, locks

9) Are locks good or bad?

    Very good might I add, Help protect you, as well as help connect you to God. (Don't let that go over your head)

10) What are the upkeep for locks?

    Wash them in the river and leave them alone! (Simple as that) (Locks not Dreads) 

    So this was 10 facts you might or might not know. There you have it. Anything you seond guess please do you homework and find the answers for yourself. They are out for you to find. I love you guys. If you have any questions please leave a comment or drop an email.

I love yall!


Monday, October 2, 2023



    Today we will be going over meditation ans what it is. I will break it down in my own for you guys. It's something that has to be done as much as possible to get deep into it. It took me a few months to get  it. I'm not even going to lie. It is something that we all need to know how to do. What it is! So today I am breaking down what it is and how to do it. Let's go!

1) Meditation! (What is it?)

  • A practice that helps to develop awareness to the present moment. 
2) 5 Stages of meditation!
  • Awareness of the present moment.
  • Subduing negative thoughts.
  • Mindfulness about meditation.
  • Dawning awareness.
  • Unwavering commitment.
3) Most important thing about meditation!
  • Focusing your attention.
4) What you shouldn't do while meditating!
  • Not being consistent.
  • Judging yourself to hard.
5) Is it possible to do it wrong?
  • No. There is no right or wrong way to do it.
6) Does the bible speak on meditation?
  • Yes! Psalm 1 and 119.
7) How to know if you are doing it right?
  • When you come out of it and you can only remember some of the meditation. You pretty much for get where you are.

How to meditate!

1) Find a place to sit and feel safe and quiet.
2) Set a timer for 10 min.
3) Stay in a position that'a good on your body. Pay attention to your body.
4) Feel your breath while you meditate. As it goes in and out the body.
5) Your mind will wander so pay attention to it when you notice that your mind is wondering.
6) Be nice to your self even when you are meditating.  Its deep so love yourself.
7) Close. Always close with kindness when you are done.
8) Give thanks! That's it.

There you have it guys. You can meditate with no issues. Start slow and steady. If you need me you know what to do. Drop and email or drop a comment.

I love yall!


Ancestor Altar

                                                     Ancestor Altar!

    Today I will show you one of the ways you can connect to your ancestors. That way would be an ancestor altar. I love mines and all that it does for me. So today I will show you and teach you how to make your own altar. When you have one that helps keep them strong and ready to help you on this life path you have going on. So let's get into it. 

Steps to making you own ancestor altar.

1) Find A Space!

  • Find you a place that's safe and just for you and your altar. Where nobody can get to it or mess up anything. Just a place for you and your ancestors. (Closet, bedroom, corner of a room.)
2) Put The Elements Up! ( Fire, Water, Air, Earth, Photos )
  • Fire (Candles), Water (Glass of water), Air (Feather), Earth (Flowers), Photos (Photos of ancestors who have already passed on).
3) Cleanse!
  • Use Sage to smug your area.
4) White Cloth!
  • Some kind of white cloth to set up your altar on top of.
5) Journal!
  • Keep a journal that's only for your altar. So you can write down the messages you get from your ancestors.
Simple as that. These are all the things you need when it comes to a simple altar. You will thank  me later. I love you guys so if you have any questions please drop a comment or email me. 

Disclaimer: I do not own the rights to these photos they all came from google.


Types Of Ancestor Offerings!


        Today we will be going over the different types of offerings you can give to your ancestors. These are some of the things I give my team of ancestors. I would recommend that you meditate on it and they tell you what they want and need. For the basic offerings use those that I will be giving you today. Let's get into it.



1) Cooked food!

    Cook a meal that you loved to eat with your ancestors when they were living. Leave it on your altar no more than a few hours and then take it down. You don't want to leave old food out for them. Treat them like you would treat yourself if you were eating it.

2) Ancesor money!

    Put ancestor money on your altar for them. It helps give them the energy to help you with the daily life you now live. You need money for everyday life so do they. 

3) Water!

    Leave a clean glass of water for them. Change it once every 3 days. You will know they enjoy the water because you will see little bubbles in it. You will know. 

4) Liquor!

    A shot glass of whatever kind of liquor your family loved while they were living. Give it to them and let them enjoy themselves. Leave it for 3 days you might not have to change it because my ancestors love the liquor I put out because they drink it all. lol 

5) Flowers!

    Put their favorite flower on the altar for them. I use living flowers and fake ones. I rather use real ones if I have the funds for the real ones. I would leave the living ones until I can see they need to be changed. I leave the fake flowers for about a week then change them out.

6) Lit candle!

       Light a white candle and leave it on your altar while you are watching it or talking to your ancestors. Never leave it unattended because anything can happen with a lit candle so please don't leave it unattended. Leave it till it's time for a new one when the old one burns out!

7) Fruit!

    Place some of your ancestor's favorite fruit on your altar. They love it. It won't go bad it will just shrink up like they sucked the life out of it. Change it every 3 days.

8) Tobacco!

       If your ancestors used to smoke leave a cigar or a cigarette for them. They will love you for it. I love one new port for my ancestors. Change it every week.

9) Favorite item!

    This would be something they liked using or having with them when they were alive.  It can be anything books, money, makeup, anything that they used to love.

These are some of the things I leave my sncesors. I hope this was helpful to you guys. Like I say all the time don't go off anything I tell you go do the work for yourself! If you need me drop a comment or an email.  I'm always here!




Butterfly Pea, Globe Amaranth, Lotus Flower, Safflower, Hibiscus!

                                                                            Teas!                                                           ...