Tuesday, November 22, 2022

Pink Pineapple Fruit!

                               Pink Pineapple

Pink pineapple I had to make a post about. I have tried it myself and I loved it. They are much better then the regular pineapple. I know yes! It's not a herb its a fruit. I had to come talk to you guys about this beauty. It's so good on everything I love if you never tried it you should. I'm giving you a few reason why I love it and a few health benefits from it. 


  • Pink Pineapple comes from South- Central Region of Costa Rica. Farm grown.
  • Fight diseases
  • Boost Immunity
  • Help with arthritis 
How to take:
  • Best to take on empty stomach. 30 Min before meals.
  • Speed recovery from surgery
  • Helps stop cancer
  • Helps digestion 

Keep it:
  • Keep up to 3 days, Or keep it whole and sit up for 48 hours.
Its so pretty and I love the taste of it. You guys should really try it. It's kinda high I'm not going to lie but it's well worth it. 

Buy It:
  • You can order it from Tropicalfruitbox.com
If you have any questions or comments please leave them below or drop me an email. 

Disclaimer: I Don't OWN The Rights To Any Photos They All Came From Google.

Don't trust anything I tell you go do the work on your own to find out for your self!

Love you guys!


Bilberry Herbs!


It's an fruit that is just like the blueberry. It's also known as Whortleberry, Huckleberry. It's a small European blueberry. It can be found in Iceland, and Northern Asia.That has a lot of rich compounds in it. I know we all love a sweet taste and juice punch. I do have Bilberry in my home. It helps me when I'm feeling down or low. Or even when I want something sweet to eat on. If you have belly problems you should try these.


  • Reduce Inflammation
  • Blood Sugar Levels
  • Heart Health
Side Effects:
  • Do Not Take If You Are On Any Kinda Blood Thinners. 
  • Don't Take If You Take Diabetes Oral Meds.
  • Any Meds Used For Blood Clots Don't Take It.
  • 20-60 MG Daily
  • Tea 5-10 MG Daily
  • Mashed 1-2 MG Daily
Side Effects:
  • If You Are Pregnant Don't Take It.

  • Eye Health
  • Diabetes
  • Stomach Issues
How It Comes:
  • Tea
  • Fresh
  • Powdered

I love these berries because they remind me of blueberries. They are much sweeter then the blueberry. They help when I need to use the bathroom its a natural way of helping with stomach problems. If you don't have any please try them. 

Don't go off of anything I tell you go look it up for your self. I promise you that you wont be upset.

Disclaimer: I Don't Own The Rights To Any Photos  On My Blog They All Came From Google.

Love you guys!


Tuesday, November 15, 2022

Herbs! Capsaicin



  • Pain, Weight loss, Heart health
  • 2-6 mg per day pill form
Capsaicin is a herb also known as red pepper or chili pepper as we know it. it's commonly applied to the skin for pain. It helps reduce pain on the skin. The best way is just eat chili peppers in your food. It also had anti-inflammatory properties. 

Helps: Diabetics, Increase metabolism, Burn to the skin

Does it stop pain:  
  • It takes up to 2 to 3 weeks for your pain to go away. 
Side Effects:
  • Irritation to the mouth, stomach, and intestines
I know we all have this in our homes so use it to help the body as well. It wont hurt to start small go bigger.  I love the smell of it and the taste. 

Disclaimer: I don't own the right to any photos on here they all came from google. 

Don't believe anything I tell you go look it up on your own.

If you have any questions please feel free to leave a comment or drop a email for me. 

Love you guys,

Peace and Love!

Herbs! Feverfew



  • Fever, Headaches, Arthritis
Side Effects:
  • Don't eat it in it's raw form. It will cause mouth sores, and you could have loss of taste as well.
If taken over a long time frame it can help prevent headaches of any kind. It comes from Western Asia. This herb is very good for you to take if you have joint pain from arthritis. Do not take if pregnant. 

  • 100-300 mg supplements 
I have this herb in my home just in case someone gets sick with a fever I have it on had. I love it because its natural to take. It smells so good. Most times this herb is applied to the skin.If you have a really bad toothache you can also use this herb for that as well. 

Disclaimer: I do not own the rights to these photos they came from google.

If you have any questions or comments please leave them below.

I say this all the time Don't go off anything I tell you go do the home work for your self!

Love you guys!

Peace and Love!

Ginger Herb!


    Steep a few think slices in hot water for 10 min to create tea. 1 cup a day.

I know for a fact everybody has this in their home. I have it in mines, my mom, and my sisters. I have family who eats it whole. I love it. It's so good for the body.


  • Anti-inflammation 
  • Antioxidant 
  • Nausea
  • Up Set- Stomach 
Ginger helps you relax and fall asleep. I love it when I'm stressed, and feeling like it's to much going on. I love it. It has a very strong smell.

  • Pain
  • Healthier Skin
  • Weight Loss Aid
  • Improves Brian Function

I would love if you guys would leave a comment, or drop an email to if you have any questions or comments! 

Disclaimer: I do not own the rights to any of these photos they all came from google. 

Don't believe anything I tell you go look it up on your own. 

Love you guys!


Tuesday, November 8, 2022

Garlic Herbs!


I love garlic. It's been in my family as well for a long time. It's so good for the body and the skin. In food oh my it's the best. 


  • Anti-Cancer
  • Boosts Immune system
  • Helps Cold & Flu
  • Decreases growth of cancer cells

1 dose of clove chop and stop. Chop it up and leave it for 10 min for enzymes to break up. Then steep it in some hot water and drink as tea. Or you can eat it in it's raw form.

  • Reduce high blood pressure
  • Prevent Alzheimer's and Dementia 
  • Reduce cholesterol levels

If you eat garlic in it's raw form it helps with weight loss. It will help keep you full longer so you wont eat as much. It smells kinda bad coming out of your skin later but it's good for your body.

Don't believe anything I tell you go do the work for your self. 

If you have any questions or comments please leave them below in the comment section or drop me an email or two.

Disclaimer: I don't own the rights to any photos they all come from google. 

Love you guys.


Sea Moss Herb!

                               Sea Moss


    Sea Moss also known as Carragreen Moss found in North America. It is an species of the red algae. There is more then one type of sea moss out there. Its up to you what you use! I'm just touching on the over all of Sea Moss. 


    Weight loss, heart health, thyroid health.


    With its healthy digestive function yes detoxing is one of sea moss best actions. It pushes out a lot of bad stuff out your body. It cleans your colon.


    You should take it everyday then you will get used to the taste, if not you will be sick lol not that good. A tablespoon a day or make a smoothie with it.


    Helps stop Parkinson disease, Boosts immune system.

The Way I Take It?

Smoothie, Soups, Baked goods.

Guys I hope this herb was helpful for you guys. Please leave comments or drop an email. I'm here for it all. I love sea moss!

Disclaimer: I Don't Own The Rights To These Photos. The Photos Came From Google.

Love you guys!


Tuesday, November 1, 2022

1 St Of The Month Ritual!

                         Monthly Ritual!


  • Salt
  • Cinnamon 
  • Left had or dominant hand
  • Affirmations
3 Affirmations:
  • "When I blow this cinnamon, prosperity will enter this house."
  • "When I blow this cinnamon, abundance will come to stay."
  • "When I blow this cinnamon, abundance will live here."

Step 1) Cleanse your energy.
Step 2) Put salt and cinnamon in your left hand or in your dominant hand.
Step 3) Step outside your house door and say your 1st affirmation then blow your cinnamon and salt in the house.
Step 4) Say your 2nd affirmation and blow again.
Step 5) Say your 3rd affirmation and blow the rest of the cinnamon and salt inside the house.
Step 6) Leave the salt and cinnamon on the floor in the house for 2 hours. Then you can get it up.
Step 7) Make sure you give thanks.

I do this once a month on the 1st of the month. I can say that it does work and work very well might I add. I love it so much! So please try it out guys.

Disclaimer: The pictures came from Google I don't own the rights to the photos. On my page don't believe anything anything I tell you do it for your self and find out.

Love you guys


Synchronize Numbers!

                                                         Synchronize Numbers!


  • Synchronize numbers are numbers that are deeply meaningful coincidences that happen in your life.
  • You will see numbers like 444, 333, and so on.
  • It is to let you know when your higher self or soul is showing you something.
  • Numbers.
  • Thinking of something then ending up with it out of no where.
  • Dreams about people/ animals/ places.
  • Seeing repeating symbols.

How is it created?
  • Psychic abilities.
  • Law of attraction.
  • Harmony of energy.
  • The unconscious mind.
Personal experience:
    I had a lot going on in my life at one time. I knew I had a lot of things happening in my life but wasn't sure of how things was going to play out. I started my spiritual journey and stared to notice that i was seeing numbers. I knew numbers had a meaning I never knew they was talking to me when I seen them. 333 was a number I started seeing around the 1st of Aug. 
    Aug 1st I seen my 1st set of synchronize numbers. 333 means the universe is working with you me on making my dreams come true. I needed to trust in myself along with trusting my intuition. I started doing that after I found out what 333 stood for. Not only did it start to happen right before my eyes but my family's eyes as well. I started a good job, forex took off so well. My spiritual journey took off so fast I was in love. 
    So yes from now on I will always pay very close attention to the synchronize numbers, and symbols as well. I love when I see them because I know the universe is talking to me. I'm happy and thankful that I am able to know when these signs when they come along. I hope you guys start to see them get to know them as well as I have.

  • 111- You're on the right path. manifesting things with ease.
  • 222- Trust that you are on the right path.
  • 333- The universe is working with you on making your dreams come true.
  • 444- You are being guided and supported. Keep going!
  • 555- Get ready for a big shift that's coming into your life. Be open to new things.
That's just a few they come in so many forms. Always keep an eye out for these synchronize numbers, and symbols. 

Disclaimer: I don't believe anything I say believe only what you found on your own. All pictures came from Google I don't own the rights to them. 

I love ya'll be safe!



Herbs For High Blood pressure!

                                                     H igh Blood Pressure! Today we will be talking about High Blood Pressure. Like I say w...