Pink Pineapple Fruit!
Pink Pineapple Pink pineapple I had to make a post about. I have tried it myself and I loved it. They are much better then the regular pineapple. I know yes! It's not a herb its a fruit. I had to come talk to you guys about this beauty. It's so good on everything I love if you never tried it you should. I'm giving you a few reason why I love it and a few health benefits from it. Where: Pink Pineapple comes from South- Central Region of Costa Rica. Farm grown. Helps: Fight diseases Boost Immunity Help with arthritis How to take: Best to take on empty stomach. 30 Min before meals. Helps: Speed recovery from surgery Helps stop cancer Helps digestion Keep it: Keep up to 3 days, Or keep it whole and sit up for 48 hours. Its so pretty and I love the taste of it. You guys should really try it. It's kinda high I'm not going to...