Wednesday, September 28, 2022

How To Clean Your Energy!

 Hey guys,

         Today we are going to talk about clearing your energy, why it's important to always cleanse your energy. Also how to do these things as well. If you seen one of my older post then you know why you should always cleanse your energy. If you have not seen that post I will link it below. So let's get into this.

Cleanse you energy! 

     We all come from energy right. So with that being said everybody and everything around you holds energy. You can easily get somebody else energy on you. You can wake up feeling great, then go out around people and go home and start feeling completely different from how you left home. Just because you was around people who has negative energy that transferred from them to you. Now you know that you have to always cleanse and protect your energy along with your family, and home.

Lets talk about hot to cleanse your energy in your home, car, kids, and your self. ( We will go over each thing I list at the bottom )

Your self: Florida Water, Smug Sicks, Crystals!

Your kids: Florida Water, Lemon and Salt, Smug Sticks!

Your Car: Florida Water, Crystals, Smug Sticks!

Your home: Florida Water, Crystals, Smug Sticks!

Yes you should always keep the energy cleanse in your home, and car. Why? You always have many people in your home and cars. Their energy is in your home, and car now. So you have to know how to cleanse and protect your home, family, and cars!

Now lets go over the things I told you to use. I use these things every single day to cleanse the energy all around me. Just so you guys know I use these thing all the time. I'm telling you so you know okay she using it her self. Let's go!

Florida Water:  Has many uses. It can cleanse your home, yourself, your tools, and crystals. How to use Florida water. Put it in a pray bottle and spray your home car and your self. Give thanks to your creator and just spray. 

Smug sticks: They also help cleanse your energy, home, and many other things. How to use it. I like Dragons Blood smug stick, take it light it. Give thanks talk to your guides. Go from the top of your head to the bottom of your feet with it.  In your home go in each room after its lit and cleanse make sure you leave the doors and windows open while you cleanse to send out that negative energy.  

Crystals: They cleanse, protect, guide as well. How to use them. Get crystals that are for cleansing, and protecting. Obsidian crystal is good for cleansing, Amethyst is good for protection, and cleansing. 

Lemons and Salt: They both cleanse negative energy, and they both help in protection. How to use them. Get 4 lemons cut the top in 4 sections pull apart but keep whole at the bottom. Take the salt and put in inside the lemon. Take the lemons and salt, and put one lemon in each corner of your home. When negative energy comes in the lemon and salt will absorb the negative energy.   

Here are my favorite youtube videos for each of these! 

Florida Water: (Yeyeo)

Smug Sticks: (Yeyeo)

Crystals: (Yeyeo)

Lemons and Salt:, (Yeyeo)

All pictures come from google. All videos came from youtube from Yeyeo pages. 

Don't go off of anything I tell you. Go do the work on your own to find out. I'm always here for answer any questions you have. Leave a comment or email and I will get to you soon as I can. 

Thank you for all of your support. I love you guys.

Peace and Love!


Monday, September 26, 2022

Sadhguru The Reason I Started My Spiritual Journey!

                                             Sadhguru : He is a yogi, who helps with over all life in a spiritual way. He has a few youtube pages that's really helpful. The reason I looked to him is because I was wanting to get back to myself as a person. I really didn’t know how on my own. So YouTube was the next best things for me. I ran across his page a few years back. He has so many different things that can help your overall life. He has blog pages, books, videos and so much more to help you. 

           I will drop my favorite YouTube pages for you guys to try out. One of the biggest things I learned from him was how to successfully meditate. 🧘🏿‍♀️Meditation is very important for your every day life. Meditation is a must for every person on this planet. 

Meditation is good because it helps with stress, depression, anxiety, and so much more. Meditation will bring your vibration up to the point where you can handle hard situations safely. It helps your physical health as well. If you are not meditating you should be. Start slow and low.

Sadhguru has so many guided meditations I will also post my favorites from as well. This list is to help you or at lest open your eyes to who you are.

Let’s get into it:

Guided Meditation:


Youtube just look up Sadhguru!

So now you can look him up. If you have any questions people leave a comment or email me. Don't go off of anything I tell you do the work.

Love you guys

Thursday, September 22, 2022

Soulmate vs. Twin Flame

                                                TWIN FLAME VS. SOULMATE!

This image came from google.

  Hey guys! Today I’m excited to talk about soulmates and twin flames. This is one of my favorite subjects when it comes to relationships and spirituality. Let me start by saying you can have multiple soulmates and twin flames in one life time. Here is my words of twin flames and soulmates from my study and research. 

 Your soulmate is somebody you can feel coming but will come unexpectedly. You will always know it. Twin flame on the other hand. Depending on what kind of twin flame that’s coming you could feel a few different things. You could feel happy, fun, growing deep love, thinking you found yourself in another person. 

  Soulmates are people you connect with by the soul. Which can’t nothing or no one stop that. Twin flames over time you could start to feel unhappy because you are getting you in the other person. That person could be showing you the bad things you don’t like about yourself, that you may need to change. 

Here are books that  I love and I hope you guys go read them. 

This image came from google.

Let’s look:


1. Comes right on time.

2. You will have a feeling they are coming.

3. Nothing can stop you guys from being together.

4. Share the same interests.

5. Has unconditional love for you. 

Twin flames

1. Connects soon as you meet.

2. Drawn to them so heavy it’s nothing you ever felt before.

3. It gets better over time. Could also get bad over time.

4. Shows the best and worse parts of you. 

5. Mirrors you completely.

This image came from google.

(T) You have only one Twin

Flame. You've been

together through

lifetimes. When you

meet, you recognize each

other at the soul level.

(S) Soulmates can be

romantic partners,

friends and family

members with whom you

share compatibility and

strong bonds.

Don't believe anything I tell you, go look it up for your self. It's time for us to wake up! Do it for your self! All images came from google they are not mines. If you guys have any question please feel free to ask me. I'm open to emails, chats, and you cal also leave a comment if you like. Hope this helps guys. 

Love yall

Wake up! 

Monday, September 19, 2022


 Today Is going to be a few herbs, that I love to use for any kind of anxiety or panic attacks. These herbs has a lot of good benefits. These herbs can also be more then just for anxiety. I know it's a lot of people dealing with anxiety. I hope my few herb list can help you guys. I take mines as a tea every other day. Or on them days where it's really bad I take two cups of the tea herbs. They  soothe the nervous system, and supports balance moods. So lets get into it.


             LAVENDER: Herb & Essential Oil, helps quite the mind, relieving anxiety and stress.

PASSIONFLOWER: Used for anxiety and insomnia, pain, seizures.

             LEMON BALM: Used for calming, relieve mental and emotional stress.

St. John's Wort: Helps with moderate anxiety and depression, and balance moods.

              VALRIAN: Helps with insomnia, panic attacks, and pain

There are a lot more herbs that can help with anxiety but here are my favorites. I hope they help. You can always ask any questions you have. Always do your home work before taking any kind of herbs. If you're pregnant please do you own home work to make sure the herb is good for a pregnant lady. Some herbs are not safe to take if you are pregnant or breast feeding. 

If you have any question please leave a comment or shoot me an email and I will get to you soon as I can. I Love You Guys. Stay safe and Please stay Woke! 

Love you guys.

Don't believe anything I tell you. Go find it out on your own! 

All Pictures come from google. 

Wednesday, September 14, 2022

My Fav Affirmations!

 Hey guys,

         Today I will touch on affirmations. How important they are, and a few of my all time favorite affirmations. Affirmations are up lifting quotes or full statements. That helps your mind even when you don't know it is. Affirmations help keep you grounded on kinda on track. It is also an emotional support or encouragement for you to tell your self daily. So I have a few that I love to say every day so I wanted to share them with you. 

How to use affirmations: 

1. Affirm with faith.

2. Affirm with positive feelings.

3. Do not affirm absentmindedly.

Here are a few of my favorites: 

1. Who am I not to trust?

2.  I am what I want and, I attract what I am.
3.  Everything that I think is already in existence.
4.  I am a magnet to:

This is my one and only that I say every day and love it with all my heart! 


 SO here you have it. My all time favorites. I love affirmations and so should you. If you have any questions or comments please leave them below or leave an email for me.

All pics come from google. 

Do not go off of anything that I tell you. Go do you own homework on it. 

LEave comments and/ or email me loves.

Monday, September 12, 2022

7 Chakras

Hey Guys,

           I'm going to touch on the 7 chakras today. Now with that being said your chakras are in the human body. These point help with your over all being. I'm also going to go over the things that happens when your chakras are blocked, and what you can do to unblock these chakras. It is more then 7 chakras in the body but here are the 7 that in most common. Your chakras start fro the bottom to the top.

Blocked Chakras:

1. Root chakars (Red): Ungrounded, fearful, unsure

2. Sacral chakras (Orange): Low libido, fear of intimacy, no creativity

3. Solar plexus chakars (Yellow): Feeling powerless, Low self-esteem, inferiority complex

4. Heart chakras (Green): Hateful, Trust issues, intolerant

5. Throat chakars (Turquoise): Bad listener, misunderstood

6. Third Eye chakras (Blue): Poor judgement, lacks focus, poor imagination

7. Crown chakras (Purple): Depression, weak faith, brain fog

Balanced Chakras:

1. Root (Red): Safe, happy to be alive

2. Sacral (Orange): Passion, healthy

3. Solar plexus (Yellow): Feel in control, personal power

4. Heart (Green): Peaceful, loving

5. Throat (Turquoise): Confient expression, diplomatic

6. Third Eye (Blue): Clear thoughts and visions

7. Crown (Purple): Strong faith, universal love

Here are the frequencies to unblock your chakras using meditation:

1. Root: 228Hz

2. Sacral: 303Hz

3.  Solar plexus: 182Hz

4. Heart: 128Hz

5. Throat: 192Hz

6. 3rd eye: 144Hz

7. Crown: 216Hz

I hope this helps you guys. All Pic came from google. Lets get our charkas in balance. If you have any questions leave a comment or leave a email. I'm here for it. 

Don't go off of nothing I tell you. Go do the homework for your self. 

Love you guys!


Thursday, September 8, 2022

What lessons have you learned?

 Hey guys so today we are talking about lessons. What major lesson have you learned that changed your life? I’m also going to share mines with you guys. 

My biggest lesson: 

Everybody is not going to be nothing like you. So don’t expect anything major from other people because most people are not like you. 

 No matter where you go. Or what you do. Always be true to you. Even if it means losing people you love whole heartedly. Why? Because everybody isn’t like you. So don’t expect others to do and feel the way you feel. Everybody has an opinion, but nobody opinion really matters at all when it comes to your peace as a person. We fail to realize it because we think people are like us. When that’s so far from the truth. 

So always love your self enough to be ok with everybody is not the same. Be okay that you are who you are supposed to be. Simple as that! 

You have any questions or comments drop em below or hit the chat box to left. 

Love you guys!

Don’t believe nothing. Question everything!

Tuesday, September 6, 2022

Sex & Energy!


Hey loves, 

        I'm back with another one. 🤣 I hope everybody is doing well, and staying safe. Today I want to go over Sex, and energy transfer. Yes sex is good we all love it. It's a part of life that we know all to well. There is things that we don't know about sex that is mind blowing okay. Sex with to many people can become dangerous and i'm going to tell you why. 

        We are made of energy. When we mate we are supposed to only do it with one person at a time. Humans are energy and you transfer that when you have sex with somebody. So lets just say this scenario okay. Jessica is a beautiful black woman, she has a mate ( male or female ) they have been together for 3 years. Jessica's mate is the only person she knows sexually. Now her mate Jonnie is a lover boy. Has all the ladies looking at him. So he steps out on Jessica. 

        Now Jessica at home feeling off with her body and her spirit. She don't over stand why. Well what happen was when Jonnie sleeps with other women, and comes in sleeps with Jessica all them other women energy is now inside Jessica. Not only does Jessica have Jonnie energy in her, she also has the women he cheated with on top of the all the other people the girl slept with before Jonnie, Now Jessica dont feel good, her ph is off, her emotions are all over the place and she don't know why. She can feel that something isn't right with her and Jonnie. Why you ask? She can feel it when hes there with her or even when hes gone. She is carrying his energy inside of her along with other women she don't even know. 

                Now she has to cleans her whole body top to bottom just to get all these different people off her energy. Its not easy do that when you don't know you have other peoples energy on you. You have to know who you're sleeping with at all times to keep you protected. Sex is good yes, its only for your one person. Not everybody ladies. Once you over stand it you will get it. I will break it down how it was broken down to me. If you guys want to know how to cleanse your body let me know. You shouldn't believe anything I tell you go do your own home work.

If you have any questions let me know in the comments. 

The Real Reason I Made An Blog Page.

               Why I started my blog page?

Hey guys,
           It's been a few people that has asked why I started my blog page. The main reason is to bring the light back into spirituality and the black and brown people. Most of us don't know who we really are. So for the ones who has questions and want to know that's what this page is for. I hope it helps people who want to know about spirituality.

            Spirituality has been around for ages. Its not with us its in us. Knowing that energies transfer from person to person so easy that we never really stopped to even question it. Simple things like a hug, or a hand shake transfers energy all the time. Its energy in your home around your family, and friends. That's why its so important to protect your energy at all costs.

              Energy is a very big thing that we really don't take the time to protect our self from. You can walk into a room and feel everybody energy, it almost feels like people are looking at you. The whole time its the persons energy that they are giving off. That can easy become your energy if you don't know. Here's a few way to protect your energy and stay safe from negative energy. Spirituality is a beautiful thing once you wake up to your spiritual self. 

    Ways you transfer energy. 

  1. Thoughts that are negative about yourself or other people.
  2. Hugs
  3. Hand shakes
  4. Evil eye
    Ways to protect your energies:

  • Cleanse
  • Get you some crystals
  • Sage your home and car
  • Don't hug people
  • Don't shake nobody hand
  • Always call back your power
These are just a few things you can do. Its so many more things you can do to protect your energies. Its so important because our energy is who we are and our own safe place. Its not even safe from the spiritual realm. Why? Well that's because we cant see the spirits but they can see and feel us. I can also get more deeper into if you like. Like I said we have to protect our energies from all negative things around this world. We need to also bring our vibration up as high as we possible can. I can not lie the worlds vibration is very low That's why it seems the world is in so much chaos.

Ways to bring your vibration up:
  • Stay hydrated
  • Focus on joy, and peace
  • Move your body
  • Work with crystals
  • Journal
  • Belly breathing
  • MEDITATE ( Very important ) 
  • Eat raw fresh foods
  • Play healing frequencies
  • Salt baths
  • Spend time outside
My favorite thing is to meditate. Once you can connect to source everything is so much easier. God and your ancestors will always protect you. The way you can connect with these spirits best is meditate. So you know when the spirits are talking to you. They talk to us all the time we are just not paying attention till its to late. We get them gut feelings, we feel the hair on you arm go up. Things like that we don't pay attention to. Meditation is good for the mind, body, and the soul. Its the best key to spirituality. Meditation does a lot for you 7 min a day. Start short then move up as you learn to meditate. If you want to learn how to do meditate let me know. Leave a comment or email me. 

I hope this helps! Love you guys! 

Stay woke!

Thursday, September 1, 2022

Spiritual Color Meanings!

                                                            Color Meaning: Spirituality 

1) Beige: Flexibility, dependability

2) Black: Power, death

3) Blue: Loyalty, confidence

4) Brown: Warmth, foundations 

5) Burgundy: Influence, sophistication

6) Coral: Self-love, balance

7) Amber: Energy, positivity

8)  Gold: Magic, wisdom

9) Green: Life, jealousy

10) Grey: Conservativeness, Lack of emotions

11) Indigo: Justice, devotion

12) Lavender: Youth, vitality

13) Magenta: Self-respect, compassion

14) Purple: Mystery, luxury

15) Turquoise: Feminism, luck

16) Maroon: Excitement, creativity

17) Red: Danger, leaderhip

18) Voilet: Imagination, wisdom 

19) Orange: Success, Abundance

20) Silver: Grace, modern technology

21) White: Perfection, innocence

22) Pink: Romance, love of oneself and others

23) Teal: Communication, self-sufficiency 

24) Yellow: Joy, intellect

You can use these colors to make anything. You can use these colors for healing and overall life. If you have any question please leave them down in the comments. 


love yall

List Of Haunted Places Near Me.

                                                 Haunted Places Near Me!

1) Battleship ( Wilmington, NC )

2) The New Hanover County Library ( Wilmington , NC )

3) Bellamy Mansion Museum ( Wilmington, NC ) 

4) The Duke Mansion ( Charlotte , NC )

5) Biltmore Estate ( Asheville, NC )

If you guys would like for me to go deeper into these locations. Please leave a comment below and I will get to it. 


Love yall

Herbs For High Blood pressure!

                                                     H igh Blood Pressure! Today we will be talking about High Blood Pressure. Like I say w...