Sunday, October 30, 2022

Mugwort Herb!


    It's an British Isles plant used for medicine.


  • Digestive Problems
  • Irregular Menstruation
  • High Blood Pressure
  • Yes, you can smoke mugwort in dry herb form. (Helps with lucid dreaming)

Side Effects:
  • Never take if you have allergic to Daisy plant family. Or if you are pregnant don't take this herb.
Drink 3-4x daily (  Once on an empty stomach right before meals.) 

  • She fights cancer and helps prevent cancer!
Weight Loss:
  • Supports weight loss in a healthy way.

  • Great for hair loss, any kind of hair loss problems this herb is good for. 
Menstrual Cycle:
  • Help start your period. 
  • Regulate cycle.
  • Increase circulation to warm up the uterus, and pelvic region. 

I have this herb in my home as well. I love it because its regulated my cycle. My monthly used to be bad and it was never regular. Now that I have been drink this as a tea its been very regular. I'm so in love with this herb because my hair is so much better from a bad breakage. Go get it!

This Is A Safe Place! Know That! 

Disclaimer: I don't own the rights to two photos on here. The photos come from Google. 

If you have any comments they are all welcome here. Please drop them or send me an email.

Don't believe anything I tell you go look it up on your own! 

Love you guys


Lemongrass Herb!


This plants oils, and leaves are used as medicine. I love it I have it in my own home. I love it for its pain relief benefits.


  • Digestive Track Spasms
  • High Blood Pressure
  • Pain
  • Common Cold
It has a citrus and ginger spice when taken in its raw form. Cooked is a better way to take lemongrass.

Side Effects: 
  • When in essential oil form it can be harmful to the skin if you have allergies. It could irritate the skin. So use only in small amounts when starting out.
  • Fevers
  • Achy Joints
  • Vomiting

I love it because it helps with any kind of pain. I use as an oil on my body 2x a day. 

Don't believe anything I tell you go find it on your own! Please leave comments below or drop a few lines in my email. Love you guys!

  • I do not own the rights to two photos. They came from Google. 

Tuesday, October 18, 2022

My Favorite Spiritual Color!

             Today we will be going over my all time favorite spiritual color which is White!

* What does the color white mean to you?

White to me feels cleansing all the way around. White is purity from all sides. White to me is healing.


* Spiritual color White:

        * Purity

        * Wholeness

        * Innocence

        * Clarity

        * Simplicity

        * Cleanliness

        * Completion

        * New Beginnings

        * Reflection

        * Equality

        * Unity

        * Openness

How can you wear the color white?

* You can wear waist bead sets.

* You can wear a white outfit.

* Wear a white head covering.

How to use white at home.

* Burn a white candle.

* Use a white covering on your alters.

* Put white sheets on your bed at night.

All pictures come from google. I don't own the rights to these pictures. 

White can be very helpful to you. It's very powerful to know how and why white is such a very important color to use on a daily. I use it every day even when I don't know I'm using it. Don't go off anything I'm telling you. Look it up for your self. 

Question everything in your whole life!

Love you guys hope this helps.


Monday, October 17, 2022

Elder Berry Herb!

                                          Elder Berry

I have been taken Elder berry from a child. So ya'll know it's in my kitchen. Its not the best tasting thing I have had. It is one of my favorites because my mom would give it my my sisters and I. Within a few days you would start to feel so much better. Now on my blog page, we are real and down to earth and going to give it to you raw as can be. So yes when you are on my blog what you get here is also how I come in real life. Let me make that very clear from the jump. Now back to the beautiful elder berry herb. 

How to take it: 


Kids: 1 1/2 teaspoons per day

Adults: 1 tablespoon per day

Tea boil water put in elder berry, and ginger, and lemon let simmer for 10 to 20 min. 

1 cup per day. 

If Sick: Take syrup every 2 to 3 hours

What Elder berry is good for:

* Supports immune health

* Heart Health

* Protects against UV radiation 

* Fights bacteria

* Improves skin, and hair health

* Has antioxidants 

* Fights cancer

* Helps with cold , and flu

* Stop wrinkles, and age spots


Now go get you some people. Help heal you and your family. Don't go off of anything I say just go do the work on your own. Find the answers o the questions in your heart. Question everything! 

Leave a comment or drop me an email, and I will get to you as soon as I can. 



Sunday, October 16, 2022

Rosemary Herb!


Rosemary is a shrub. It's native to Mediterranean region. It is one that is in my home herb set.

Good For:

* Helps with pain

* Brain function 

* Perk you up

Side Effects:

* Taken as oil you can get very sick.

* Skin redness

* Vomiting

Good For: 

* Helps stress

* Hair growth

* Lower risk of infections

    This herb is in my home. I love it very much I know you will as well. Let me know in the comments what you guys think on rosemary. Question everything. Do not believe anything I tell you. Go find it out for your self. She is good for self love guys!

All pictures came from google.

Love you guys,


Star Anise Herbs!

                                     Star Anise 

Star Anise- Is used to make medicine. Chinese star anise. Is a very powerful herb that can do a lot. You have to know that you are taken the right star anise herb. You could die from taking the Japanese star anise. So please make sure its the right star anise. You want to be taking the Chinese star anise. Chinese Star Anise! If you are not sure DO NOT TAKE THE HERB. 

    Good For

* Cough

* Gas

* Menstrual disorders

Side Effects: 

* Including seizures

* Hallucinations



* 20 grams per day of star anise powder is good for a healthy normal adult.


Good For:

* Upset Stomach

* Lung Swelling (inflammation)

* Other conditions

Star Anise is a beautiful herb. I have her in my home today. Please be sure that the star anise you have is the right one. You can die from taking the wrong star anise herb. If you are not sure please do not take the herb. If you are pregnant do not take this herb. 

All pictures come from google I do not own the rights to them. Do not believe anything from go find out on your own. If you continue to question everything just note everything will be shown to you. Question everything! 

Be Safe Loves,


Tuesday, October 11, 2022

My blog page!

 I want to stop for a second and let it be known. If your vibration is not high enough you will feel like my blog page won't do anything for you. So let me be very clear!!! That Is Your Problem! Move along thank you! You do not have to watch my blog, you do not have to share my blog! We Good On This Side! 

Somethings isn't for everybody! If you know then you know!

Have a Great Day! 

A Real One!

If You Could Talk To Your 20 Year Old Self!

 What going on ya'll? Lets talk for a while today. If you could talk to your 20 year old self. What would you tell him/her? Why??????? 

       Now the reason I asked this question is because it's a good shadow work question. This question will help you open up to the some of them dark things you don't like. To help you heal from you childhood trauma. This question came around to me and oh me oh my. All the emotions, pain, and growth that came from this question helped me become a better me. So again don't lie to your self you only hurting you. So think on it feel it. Then answer the question on a deep level. 

    For now I'm going to open me up to ya'll for a second. This is a no judge zone. Let me clear that up now. I'm going to give you guys a few of my answers to this open ended question. I'm also going to tell you why to each one. This is my journey all me so yours might be different from all of mines. Be mindful how to come on my page! Let's Go!

1) Your friends matter. 

2) Find your edge.

3) You don't need anybody's approval.

4) Love you so hard no matter what!

5) Stay healthy.

6) Get your rest!

7) Spirituality is your best friend!

8) Have courage no matter how scared you are.

9) Be and Stay Real as you can. ( Authentic ) 

Where is my Why to each one:

1) The reason your friends matter is because you can get with the wrong crowd and end your whole like not even knowing any better. Surround your self with friends that will ride the long way, and know that loyalty and love is real. You wont find many real friends so when you do hold on to them. They can help you deal with life in a good way. People you love and trust is always good.

2) When you take the time out to find your edge. Then you will find out what you do and don't like. Or what you wont and will take. It's just that simple. Trust me you will be happy once you have an over standing of you and what you do and don't want. 

3) Get your rest! If you don't sleep and get your me time you will never have time for anything. I promise! When your well rested you move and think in a better light. Rest is very important to the mind, body, and soul. Watch how you feel when you rest up and get ready to face life. You feel free and good inside. You work better when you are well rested.

4) You don't need any kinda approval from anybody. Let me say it again you DON'T NEED NOBODY APPROVAL KNOW THAT! You do not have to look to a damn soul on this planet for approval over your life. No. It's okay to hear out your loved ones feelings, but at the end of the day you be you. You don't have to get anything from anybody for your life! 

5) Stay healthy. If it's your body and your health that helps you in this life. You should always want to take care of it. You should always love it why because it's who you are. Simple as that. Stay healthy, eat right, work out daily, meditate. Enjoy as much of life as you can while you can, and with people you love. Keep your spiritual self healthy as well. Life will be so much lighter. 

6) Your spiritual journey is going to be your best friend. While on the journey you will learn and grow in a whole way that wasn't taught to you in school. With that mediating, yoga are good ways to start that journey. Keep a journal write down everything you learn. Watch your light up for the better. 

7) Love on you so much no one soul can break how you feeling. Love on you so hard that you don't need a man/woman to help you feel love. Love you so hard that you don't use sex as a way of love. Life is hard and it's not so fun at times. You have to have love for you and love you. So that you can love the world around you! Life is all about love! That starts with you!

8) You will need to be as brave as you can. This life will test you in so many ways you can't even count. When you are scared and feel like something is scary face it. Do not run from your fears! Face them, stand tall no matter if you have to cry while you do it. When you learn to do this then you break under pressure. Life is real, and it will get hard at times. You can do it. I have seen you do it. BE brave girl!

9) Keep it all the way real. What I'm saying is don't be fake, disloyal to your right hands. No let me take that back don't be fake at all. BE who you are and never fake who you are for NOBODY! If they don't like you for let them ride on. Do not tell people things just to keep from hurting feelings. Say it in a nice way but also let be know your nothing but real at the end of the day. Loyal is to heavy to be played with and a lot of people like the thought of them being loyal and real. Yet all along they fake for real. Being real is hard and only a real one can keep it real. You will know the real one's when you see them because 9/10 they standing alone or with one other person. Let's keep it real! Being real as a person makes you gifted in a lot of peoples eyes. So stay real!

Don't stop doing shadow work. Keep Healing! 

There you have it! That young lady will for ever be growing as young woman. I don't regret anything that has happen, or anything that is yet to happen. That's because these things in my life make me who I am! I'm so loving on me no matter who isn't loving on me baby! My Life My Love! Let's keep it real!

I love ya'll Leave a comment or email. Come back twice a week for a herb post!

Don't believe anything I say go do the work for your self! 


Friday, October 7, 2022

St. Johns Wort Herb!

                                                                     St. Johns Wort!

This is also one of them herbs that was in my family growing up as a child. I have to say it don't taste the best but it is good for you. We mainly took it as a tea from my g-ma as a child.

How to take it: Tea 

1 to 3 cup per day. (Kids & Adults)

Do not take this if you are pregnant do you understand. Do not take this you could lose your baby!


* Depression

* Reduce cancer risks

* Lowers Blood Pressure

* Soothes skin, and hair irritation

Thank you for stopping by. Don't believe anything I tell you. Why? Go find the answers to your questions. Trust me you will find them the same way I found  mines. 

BE safe!


Wednesday, October 5, 2022

Finding Self Love!

                                            Self- Love      


Self Love: Regard for ones own well-being, and happiness. ( Non-narcissistic )

(Me) Loving you and who you are whole haertily. You love you and all of your imperfections. You  love yourself. 

Why? Love is the key to life start by loving who you are, and then you can love others. You can not love nothing or anybody if you don't love yourself. 

Here is  a list of of things to start doing to help you with self love. 

FYI: I'm still learning how to love my self as well. I'm still learning that love comes from within. It will always get better.

* Stop comparing yourself to others.

* Fuck other peoples opinion.

* Don't be afraid to let go of toxic people.

* Process your fears.

* Be kind to your self.

Self Love Bath:

This bath is to help you get back to loving on your self.

Need: Rose quartz crystal, Rose petals, Pink/ white candle, Lavender oil, Lavender buds, Pink himalayan salt, epson salt!

Put everything in a bowl mix well. Then put it in a bath bag or tea bag, and run a bath after you take a shower and clean your self. Soak in this bath with love music playing.

Self- Love affirmations:

* My mistakes do not define me.

* I gave myself permission to heal.

* I am my own safe place.

Mediation: The action or practice of meditating.

Heal so you and your family can heal. Question everything.

Pictures came from google I do not own the rights to them. Do not go off of anything I tell you go do the work your self!

Stay safe loves.


Healing Your Shadow Side!


Healing: The process of making or becoming sound or healthy again.

What? My definition of healing. Healing is going deep and facing your dark shadow self. It's going deep into them places that you hate with all you soul to face. Healing is healing your inner child from the childhood traumas. The things that happen to you as a child that hurt you so bad it changed your whole way of life. That to me is how you heal. Start with that dark shadow side because you have to go through the dark in order to get to the light! 

FYI: You will really need time to your self when you do this. This will not be easy at all. It will hurt, you will cry, you scream, but you will face it with love. Then feel it in your soul then let it go and move forward with your life. I'm still learning and healing my self. So you are not doing it alone. Have so much love for yourself during this time. 

Why? Healing your shadow self changes your life for the better. Healing your shadow self will help break generational curses. Generational curse is habit or behavior that was passed down your blood line. So you have the ability to break that in your family. Shadow work is the best place to start. All you need is paper and pen to start. Let's heal guys!

How? Shadow work breaks down them unhealed issues you are holding in. Which is causing you to have blockages in your life. Like I said before it is not going to be easy. You will need so much self love to the point it's not even funny. You will need to be truthful to yourself while doing this because if you lie guess what? Your'e lying to yourself my friend. No need to that any more. That's why we are going to heal, and move forward. You have to deal with the dark to get to the light.

Here are some my favorite shadow promtps! (10)

All you will need is a pen, and a journal. Write the question down an under it answer the questions, it's that simple. The thing is you have to be completely honest with yourself. That's where the hard work comes in. Have self love and a lot of patience with yourself. 

Q) What are your triggers and what caused them?

Q) What do you dislike about yourself?

Q) What are your toxic traits? 

Q) What emotions are you afraid to show other? Do you hide certain feelings?

Q) What do I want to get out of shadow work?

Q) What family patterns do I fear I'm repeating?

Q) How do I define failure?

Q) What would happen if I let myself feel these emotions?

Q) In what ways do I self-soothe?

Q) What would a life of self-acceptance feel and look like for me?

Start there and keep moving forward. Be real with you while you doing this. Heal so you, and your family can heal. More so do it for you to better you. Don't go off of anything I tell you. Go and do the work on your own. Look It Up! 

Please leave comments or drop an email. Question everything! 

All pictures come from google I do not own the rights to them! 

Love yall!


Monday, October 3, 2022

Ashwagandha Herb!


Good For: 

* Calming the brain.

* Reduce swelling.

* Lower blood pressure.

* Boosts the immune system.

ASHWAGANDHA it grows in Asia, and Africa. Helps body resist physical, and mental stress. Taken by mouth ashwagandha can help with insomnia. 

Side Effects:

* Diarrhea

* Vomiting

* Stomach Upset


Do not take this herb if you are pregnant. This herb will make you lose your baby. It is shown to help make women have miscarriages and balance your cycles. So please do not take if you are pregnant, and make sure you don't breast feed as well.


Stop taken 2 weeks before your scheduled surgery. It will slow down the central nervous systems. 

Good For:

*Support Heart Health.

* Sharpens Focus, and Memory.

* Improves Sexual Function In Women.

I have it my home in my herb stash. I love it so much! Please leave a comment or an email if you have any questions. Don't believe anything I tell you go look it up for your self. I promise you that you will find what you are looking for.

Love you guys!


My Weight Loss Journey!


                                            My back story!

    I knew I was over weight at a young age. I was 16 years old when I knew I wasn't really happy with my weight gain. I knew I had to do something but that something I didn't know how to fix. So I ended up depressed at a early age. I would fight anybody in a heart beat. Which came from the name calling and other things from my peers at that age. It took a hard pull on my emotions as a child growing up in today's world. Around the age of 30 I started to think how can I change the things I wan't happy with in my body. It was hard at first but I came around with a set up that works for me.

                                        My Numbers:

Start Weight: 300 pounds Now Weight: 249 pounds Goal Weight: 200 pounds

                                           How I Eat:       

* I eat 1 to 2 meals a day and healthy snacking during the day.

* I only eat a hand full of food when I do eat.

* I don't drink soda, juice the only thing I drink is water.

* I do not eat after 9 pm. From 9 pm top 12 noon the next day.

* I eat to survive, not for pleasure.


* I work out once a day for 1 hour.

* I made my own work-out plan.

* I had to learn how to have discipline in my life.

* I started mediating I also learned with working-out 7 to 10 min a day.

* I will show you one of my work-outs!

                                            My Monday Work-Outs!

Today I am at 249 pounds. Very happy and feeling great. If you can work out and, love your self. I promise you that you will see a big change in how you over all feel. Mediation is good for the soul also make sure you do that as well. 

If you have any question please leave a comment or email me. I am also on snap chat and instagram. Don't go off anything I tell you. WHY? I want you to try it out for your self and let me know how you feel later. Do not give up on you. If you don't do anything else please don't give up on your self. 

Love you guys!



Red Raspberry! Herbs

                                          Red Raspberry

Good For: 

* Reduce inflammation
* Boosts immune system
* Fertility & easing pregnancy

    Red raspberry is good for pregnancy, and labor it is known to balance hormones. Decreasing the length of labor and delivery. Great for tightening the uterus, and bring her back to it's normal size. I take mines as a tea. You can always add honey, and lemon is you please. 

Good For:

* GI Tract (Gastrointestinal)
* Cancer protection
* Heart disease

If you are pregnant and want to take Red Raspberry. Please Please talk to your DR to make sure you are taking the right amount for you. So yes please make sure you talk to your DR. If you have hormone sensitive (cancer in breast) acts as estrogen and it can be very harmful to you. 

I so love Red Raspberry. It is used to much in my own home. If you have any questions please leave them in the comments, or email me and I will get back to you soon as I can. Some pic are from google. Some pics are from my own home! Don't go off of anything I tell you. Please go do your own home work! That's how you learn and open up to new things.

Love you guys!


Saturday, October 1, 2022

Herbs! Lavender


Lavender is used for a few things. It is used for treating anxiety, insomnia, depression, and restlessness. It is shown that lavender helps with digestive problems, and abdominal swelling. I take mines as a tea, or in the form of a bath soak.  

Good For:


Fights fungus

Helps with high blood pressure 

Helps sleeping problems

Skin issues


It helps bring your stress levels down. It is shown that lavender has an positive effects on mood, stress, anxiety, and depression. It is one of them herbs I call a pick me up. When I drink it as a tea I feel so good and so refreshed. Once a day around bed time is a good time to take it. 

If you have any questions please leave a comment or drop me an email I will get to you soon as I can.

Don't go off of anything I tell you do the homework on your own and let me know what you find.

Pic came from google.

Stay safe and Peace

Herbs! Moringa


Moringa is native to northern India that can also grow in tropical and sup- tropical areas, such as Asia and Africa. The leaves has more then 7 times vitamin c than an orange. 15 times more potassium then an bananas. It has protein, and iron as well. 


What it can treat:

Stomach disorders, it has antibiotic and antibacterial properties. 




Heart Burn

For the skin:

It's good for the skin and hair. It helps keep the skin and hair hydrated and its a detox the body. To help get smooth skin and healthy hair. 

For the Liver:

Moringa appears to protect the liver against damage caused by anti-tubercular drugs and can quicken its repair process.

For Blood Pressure:

Moringa contains isothiocyanate and niaziminin, compounds that help to stop arteries from thickening, which can cause blood pressure to rise.

I hope this helps guys. I take mines as a tea or vitamin pill. All pics came from google. 
Don't believe anything I tell you go find it on your own. 

Love you guys!

 Leave comments below or email me and i will get back to you soon as I can.


Butterfly Pea, Globe Amaranth, Lotus Flower, Safflower, Hibiscus!

                                                                            Teas!                                                           ...